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The Pancha Mahabhuta, or "five great elements", of Hinduism are kshiti or bhūmi (earth), ap or jala (water), tejas or agni (fire), marut or pavan (air or wind), vyom or shunya or (aether or void) / athman (soul).

Hindus believe that all of creation, including the human body, is made up of these five essential elements and that upon death, the human body dissolves into these five elements of nature, thereby balancing the cycle of nature.

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12y ago

It is not mythology but science as is given in Gita:

The a living being is made of not five but eight things:

  1. earth (solid)
  2. water (liquid)
  3. air (gas)
  4. fire (plasma of heat by chemical reactions)
  5. space (empty space)
  6. mind (that makes desires)
  7. intelligence (that decides what is good or bad, right or wrong, etc.and
  8. ego (a concept what "I" am)

Answer: According to Jainism we made from 11 elements so does in Bible. Jesus terminate Judas (one disciple) during last supper call Desire and left only 11 disciples like Mahavir in Jainism.

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14y ago

They are

Jal (water)

Agni (fire)

Yau (air)

Gagan (sky)

Prithvi (earth)

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Q: What are the 5 things the body is made of - according to Hindu mythology?
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