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There is an infinite number of colours and shades in white light, so the colours are most commonly given as RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO and VIOLET.

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Q: What are the 7 colors when white light is split up?
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Why do the colors split up in the spectrum?

White light can be split up into lots of different coloured light waves using a prism. We call this range of colours the visible spectrum.

Why do the colors in the electromagnetic spectrum split up?

White light can be split up into lots of different coloured light waves using a prism. We call this range of colours the visible spectrum.

What happens when a light goes through a prism?

when normal white light is passed through a prism, it is split up into all the rainbow colors.

The colors of white light make up a?

The colours of white light are all of the colors that make up a rainbow. White light is actually a mixture of all colors.

Why when a white light hits a raindrop does it split into seven colors of the rainbow?

A beam of light is made up of all seven colors, the color we see on an object is the color the object reflected. A raindrop acts as a prism. When the white light enters the prism, all the colors are reflected.

How can you demonstrate to a friend that white light is made up of different colors?

There are two ways of doing this: 1) use a prism to split white light into different colors - see the related link below. 2) use a spinning disk to merge colors to make white - see the related link below.

What is the name for what happens when light is split up into the different colours of the spectrum?

Refraction is the name for what happens when light is split up into the different colors of the spectrum.

What splits up white light to form a rainbow?

White light is split into the color spectrum of a rainbow by a process of refraction, reflection, and again refraction within a water droplet. Technically, the refractive index of whatever surface the white light hits determines how the light is split, and thus the size of the rainbow and the number of colors visible.

Why light splits up into a rainbow?

What we think of as white light is in fact a mixture of many "colors", or frequencies of light. A prism or a water droplet merely separates them, or bends them so that we see them a split.

What colors of light are reflected by a white object?

A white object reflects all the colors making up white light. Therefore the reflected color will still be white.

What All of the visible color light waves together result in light?

trueWhite light is made up of all the colors of the visible spectrum. If we drop back to the idea of the colors of the rainbow, the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet, we'll have the colors. The colors making up white light are all the colors from red to violet. Said another way, all the colors of light from the infrared to the ultraviolet make up white light.White light is made up of every other color of light. Blue, red, yellow, orange, everything. When these colors of light are combined, they form white lightthe apex answer is: white light....... :0).

What colors make up light white?

White Light is actually made up of all the colours in a rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo & purple. An example is easy to see in a rainbow. Sunlight is white light. when it shines into water droplets in the atmosphere the colours of the light is split & forms a spectrum of colour.