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Q: What are the 8 properties that can be used to identifiy mineral?
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What are the 4 special mineral properties?

There are more than four but i only have 5 -Magnetism -Optical properties -Fluorescence -Reaction to acids -Radioactivity

What are the properties of octagon?

has 8 sides

How many sides does a mineral have if it is a hexagonal christal?

It will have 8 sides.

What is an 8 letter mineral that starts with m?

Mica .

What are properties of an atom of oxygen?

oxygen typically has 8 neutrons and 8 protons and it has 8 electrons

What are properties of a cuboid?

A cuboid has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices, these are all properties of a cuboid.

What are the properties of a cuboid?

A cuboid has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices, these are all properties of a cuboid.

How many major mineral formation systems are there?

between 6-8

What is an 8 letter mineral starting with tu and ending with n?


Is a topaz a mineral?

Yes. With the exceptions of coral and pearl, all gemstones are minerals.

What is a 8 letter word that is a mineral?

The word you may be looking for is alunogen.

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tom grant is epic