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molding sand contains 8-12 % of clay.

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Q: What is the percentage of clay used in molding sand?
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Which sand used in CO2 molding?

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How are clay and sand used to make buildings?

Clay makes bricks. Sand is used in cement.

What is the process sand casting used for?

Sand casting is used for molding metal shapes and objects. The reason this is called sand casting is because sand is used as a mold. Sand casting is favored by most metal manufacturers because the process of sand casting is very cheap.

What types of resources were used to build the pyramids?

They used Clay,Cement,and Sand....

What is fire sand?

Fire or furnace sand is generally coarser than the sand used in metal molding. It is used in building floors for acid open-hearth furnaces and in lining the cupolas and ladles that contain molten metal in the foundry industries.

What kind of soil and what kind of sand would be used for tortoises for the substrate?

The sand and clay soil is the type of soil and sand that would be used by the tortoise to substrate.

What puts out a napalm fire?

In the war they used sand, earth and clay.

How does moon sand work?

Magic sand is a blend of play sand, water and cornstarch. It does not harden permanently and is used as a modeling clay for children.

What exactly are clay chips used for?

They are typically used for poker chips at casinos. They usually contain more than just clay. Materials such as sand and chalk may also be used alongside clay.

What geologic material is used to make terra cota?

Clay, sand, and soil.

What are the main factors used to classify soils?

Humus,sand,clay,and water

Is sand stronger than clay?

Clay. This is why people have used it for a building material for thousands of years. Bricks, adobe, and "mud huts" are all made of clay-type soils.