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Q: What are the Aramaic letters for it is finished?
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How do you say tetelestai in aramaic?

it is finished

Aramaic how do you say it is finished?

In Aramaic, "it is finished" is translated as "khalas."

How many letters are in the Aramaic alphabet?

Jewish Aramaic uses the Hebrew alphabet, which has 22 consonants and no vowels.

How do you say 'it is finished' in aramaic?

According to the Christian bible, the phrase "It is finished" is uttered by Jesus just prior to giving up his spirit and dying. In aramaic (the language that Jesus would have spoken), "it is finished' translates to "Heb Kelal". In koine greek, the phrase appears as "tetelestei".

How do you write Aramaic?

It depends on whether you are asking how to write the word Aramaic with Aramaic letters, or what alphabet is utilized in the writing of the Aramaic language. If the former; אֲרָמִית If the latter; Modern Aramaic is often depicted with Syriac characters, whereas Biblical and Talmudic Aramaic use Hebrew script (an adapted Assyrian alphabet) which is known as K'tav Ashurit.

How do you say My God my God why hast thou forsaken me in aramaic?

The phrase 'son of god' is bar alaha in Aramaic, which, in certain dialects is pronounced bar aloho. In Hebrew letters (which were originally Aramaic letters), it is written בר אלהא. In Syriac letters it is written ܒܪ ܐܠܗܐ.

The Masoretes when copying the Bible counted every letter of the Bible how many original Hebrew Aramaic and Greek letters are in the Bible?

The Masoretes never read or translated Greek. But the total of Hebrew letters (Aramaic uses the same alphabet as Hebrew) is 39,613.

How do you you say finished in Aramaic?

There are many dialects, but I am assuming you want a more Jewish dialect. This would be "Heya Khelal".

How do you say It's finished in Aramaic?

There are many dialects, but I am assuming you want a more Jewish dialect. This would be "Heya Khelal".

What are Aramaic letters of alphabet?

Jewish Aramaic uses the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, with virtually the same pronunciations as Hebrew: א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת

How do you say friend in Aramaic?

You can say friend in Aramaic using the word "re'aya."

What is the Aramaic word for light?

The Aramaic word for light is "Bahro" The above answer is Syriac. The Aramaic word (Jerusalem/Babylon Aramaic) is Nahira.