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The have the prefix "pulmonary".

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Q: What are the Arteries and Veins called that carry the blood to and from the lungs?
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Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are?


What is the name of the blood vessels which carry blood to their heart?

They are called veins. Arteries carry blood from the heart. Veins carry blood to the heart.

Vessels that carry blood to the heart are called?

Veins. Vessels that carry it from the heart are called arteries.

What are the tubes called that blood travels around the body in?

They are called blood vessels. The types of blood vessels are veins, arteries, and capillaries.

What is the tube connected to the heart is called?

The tubes connected to the heart are the arteries and veins. Veins carry blood to the heart, and arteries carry blood away from the heart.

What are the vessels called that carry blood away from the heart?


What do arteries and veins drain?

Arteries drain (pump blood) into veins. Veins drain into your lungs and heart to be re-oxygenated. (This is not true for veins and arteries to and from your lungs.)

Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart are called?

Veins are blood vessels that carry blood from all parts of the body back to the heart.

What is the tube that leads to the heart?

The arteries and veins are the tubes that are connected to the heart. Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry blood to the heart.

What are any tubes that carry blood called?

Blood vessels are the tubes that carry blood. The three types of blood vessels are arteries, capillaries, and veins.

Do veins carry oxygenated blood or deoxygenated blood?

Deoxygenated With the exception of the pulmonary vessels, veins carry deoxygenated blood; arteries carry oxygenated blood.

What are the tubes called that carry blood away from the heart?

Blood vessles that carry blood away from the heart are officially known as arteries; those that return blood to the heart are officially called veins. Arteries and veins are connected by capillaries.