

What are the Causes of regression in autism?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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9y ago

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Regression normally results from stress.

For example many parents will push their autistic children to be more like neurotypical children, forcing autistic people to pretend to be neurotypical takes a lot of effort and can result in burn-out followed by regression. Often parents who will not accept their autistic children continue to force them to try to be something other than autistic, long-term this does more harm than good.

Autistic people will often regress following stressful situations in their lives, again being forced to act like neurotypical people can result in burnout and regression (for example when in a toxic work environment), or in what would be stressful situations for anyone such as a result of marital problems, homelessness, illness, etc. Aging also seems to result in regression, but little research has been put into adults with autism and even less on older adults with autism.

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