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Do you mean Zodiacs? Zodiacs are for years.

Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Chicken, Dog, Pig

Zodiacs were placed in order by order. There is this myth that they had a race. So the rat won.

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Q: What are the Chinese months?
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How many months is the Chinese calendar?

The Chinese lunar calendar does not use months, rather divisions. The Chinese lunar calendar has 24 divisions in a year.

What is the Chinese zodiac for oct 31?

The Chinese Zodiac is based on years, not months.

How many months are in the Chinese calendar?

There are 12 months in the Chinese calendar. They are, the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, and the pig.The above are the animals of the zodiac, not the months. There are twelve months in the Chinese calendar though, and a leap year has thirteen.

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because the months

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A syrian hamster can have babies from 3 months old Chinese from 6 months and roberski and Russian from 7 months.

Why did the Chinese people name their months after animals?

because anmials were important to them

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Two months for dwarfs and syrians, three for chinese, and four for roborovski.

What is Aries represent on Chinese zodiac?

Well Aries is a sign in the Greek zodiac. There is a sign in the Chinese one that is the Ram, but the Chinese zodiac is sorted by years, the Greek one by months.

What is the symbolism of the animals in the Chinese zodiac?

they symbolize the 12 months of the year

China year start from which month related to gregorian year Jan is year first month then which no of month in chienese calendar at that time?

I went online and read some of the rules of the Chinese calendar. To me, it seemsvery complicated, and I'm not sure I understand it.This is what I think it says about the beginning of the year:-- Chinese months are not related to the Gregorian months. Each Chinese monthstarts at the time of a New Moon.-- The Chinese year has sometimes 12 months and sometimes 13 months.-- The "Winter Solstice" ... the first day of Winter, usually on December 21 or 22 or 23 always in the Chinese month #11. So the Chinese New Year will start on the secondNew Moon after that.-- The Chinese New Year in 2013 starts on February 10th. (New Moon).

What animal on the Chinese calendar stand for July?

The animals on the Chinese zodiac don't stand for months. They stand for years. The year 2013 is the Year of the Snake.

What is the average memory span for a Chinese dwarf hamster?

i heard that it was around 3 months from somewhere