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1. Results can be expected after very long period of time.

2. It costs too much.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Some cons of sustainable development include the potentially higher upfront costs, slower economic growth in the short term, and the need for changes in behavior or lifestyle. Additionally, there can be challenges in implementing sustainable practices across industries and regions, as well as the potential for conflicts between economic development and environmental conservation priorities.

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Q: What are the Cons of sustainable development?
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What are the global perspective on regional development planning?

Global perspectives on regional development planning emphasize the importance of sustainable and inclusive economic growth, infrastructure development, environmental conservation, social equity, and community participation. There is a growing recognition that regional disparities can impede overall development progress, and thus fostering balanced regional development is seen as crucial for achieving broader sustainable development goals. Collaboration among governments, stakeholders, and international organizations is often highlighted as essential for successful regional development planning.

What city in Latin America was designed to be and is an example of a sustainable city?

Curitiba in Brazil is known for its sustainable urban planning. It features a well-integrated public transportation system, green spaces, and waste recycling programs that have helped make it a model for sustainable urban development in Latin America.

What is land and use in a sentence?

Land use refers to how a piece of land is utilized, such as for agriculture, residential development, or conservation. Land use planning helps ensure that land is used in a way that balances economic, social, and environmental needs for sustainable development.

How do you help poor countries?

We can help poor countries by providing financial support, offering education and training programs, promoting sustainable development projects, and supporting access to healthcare and clean water initiatives. Collaboration with local communities and governments is essential to ensure effective and sustainable aid.

Which of the following is one of the ways in which people can implement sustainable development?

One way to implement sustainable development is by promoting the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. These sources reduce reliance on fossil fuels and help mitigate climate change while ensuring a long-term, environmentally friendly energy supply.

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When was An Introduction to Sustainable Development created?

An Introduction to Sustainable Development was first published in 2007.

Ecwhat is economic sustainable development?

Economic sustainable development is the economical sustainable development is an organizing principle for human life on a finite planet.

Why is sustainable development is important for economical development?

Many of these changes can be summarized in the phrase "sustainable development." The case of sustainable development is appearing more and more frequently in discussions of community economic development.

What development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future?

Sustainable Development

What is the ISBN of An Introduction to Sustainable Development?

The ISBN of An Introduction to Sustainable Development is 978-1844075218.

How many pages does An Introduction to Sustainable Development have?

An Introduction to Sustainable Development has 416 pages.

What is a sentence that uses the word sustainable development?

The new construction project showed sustainable development for the community.Sustainable development takes into account future needs of a community and its people.

What is the definition of ecologically sustainable development?

It's very clean and sustainable development and especially ecological.

What is the population of Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development?

Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development's population is 7.

When was MamirauΓ‘ Sustainable Development Reserve created?

Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve was created in 1996.

When was Sustainable Development Technology Canada created?

Sustainable Development Technology Canada was created in 2001.

What is the essence of sustainable development?

The essence of sustainable development is to ensure that the environment is conserved. Embracing alternative sources of energy and waste management are among some of the things that promote sustainable development.