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That's as vague as asking what does food smell like. There are literally thousands of different drugs, all with different effects. Although there are only about two dozen drugs which are commonly used and 5-6 different classes which most drugs can be categorised under, they still can have somewhat different effects from one another, even if they belong to the same class.

Even the most harmfull ones still need to be taken in fairly large amounts to cause any damage, alcohol generally being one of the most dangerous, addictive and toxic of all drugs, with almost all other drugs being rated as less harmfull as alcohol (see the drug risk comparisson in the Lancet medical journal). One of the rare exceptions which can do permanent damage even with just normal doses and when used just once or twice, are inhalants such as Toluene, Benzene, Acetone and Butane/Propane. They kill massive amounts of braincells and have often proven fatal in relatively moderate doses, with inhalants, there is no "safe" dose.

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Q: What are the Effects of drugs in a human's body?
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What effects does drugs have on your body?

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The brain it effects mostly.

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No, never. Drugs may have positive short-term immediate effects, but their long-term effects severely damage the body and mind.

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cause your body builds a tolerance to its effects

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Every drug in the world effects you believe it or not

Which body organ can prolong the effects of some drugs and lead to toxic build up of the drud in the body when it is functioning poorly?

The liver is the body organ that can prolong the effects of some drugs and lead to toxic build-up when it is functioning poorly. This is because the liver is responsible for metabolizing and clearing drugs from the body, and if it is not functioning properly, the drugs can accumulate to toxic levels.

What will drugs do to your body?

Well matters what kind of drugs you are speaking off.. Stimulants will make you hyper and jittery to the point where seizures can occur. Different drugs have different effects.

What are some of the effects if you use drugs?

Drugs come with some serious side potential effects.The Effects of Drug addiction can harm the body in a variety of different ways, from health problems to behavioral problems.

How do drugs effects your body?

Drugs are very DANGEROUS !!!! Drugs affecst your body and by making you your family and friends. They also make you go high (like crazy) and make you sleepy and they also fry your brain (make your brain not work) .And you will have a shorter life span. This is how drugs affect your body. P.S. DON'T TAKE DRUGS THAY ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!