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Q: What are the General rules for checking the method of payments?
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What are the rules for posting into a general ledger?

The rules of posting into a general ledger are simple. Keep track of expenses in one part of the ledger and keep track of credits in another part.

How does a checking account get release from a dormant status?

Either to deposit or create activity within a bank stated period of time to pull it out of dormancy. Rules created within individual banking rules and regulations.

What are accounting principles?

The Accounting Principles are the assenition rules of accounting and the application of these rules, method & procedures to actual practice of accounting. These Accounting principles have been divided into a. accounting concepts b. accounting conventions.

What does it mean if a company is 1099 exempt?

The company may be a corporation, in which case some payments are not required to be reported on Form 1099-MISC. However, some payments to corporations ARE required to be reported on Form 1099-MISC. See the attached link to IRS instructions for Form 1099-MISC. Read the "Specific Instructions" section down through and including "Exceptions," then scroll down to "Reportable Payments to Corporations" and a couple of sections discussing payments to attorneys. If you are a business, it would be a good idea to read the entire instructions for Form 1099-MISC to familiarize yourself with the reporting rules.

What is the best way for small businesses to process credit card payments?

The best way for small businesses to process credit card payments is to follow five steps. First step is to set up a merchant account, then obtain processing equipment, compare between a traditional merchant account or online payment processor(like PayPal), understand your fees for processing, and lastly - know the rules.

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When was The Rules of Sociological Method created?

The Rules of Sociological Method was created in 1895.

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The scientific method.

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The scientific method is a definite and concrete set of rules.

The purpose of having general rules in a bureaucratic organization is to?

All of the above are reasons for having general rules.

10 main rules of hockey?

you cant trip, no holding, no checking in mites through peewee, no cross checking, and you cannot stand in the crease

How do vampires atack there victims?

It depends on which mythology applies to the vampires you are asking about. Each fictional universe has its own rules governing their vampires, but the general method of vampire attacks is a bite to the neck.

Who wrote rules of the sociological method?

Emile Durkheim

What standardized deductive arguments which can be tested for validity by the Venn diagram method or by the rules method?

Categorical syllogisms

Who rules Laos today?

General Choummaly Sayasone currently rules Laos.

What is coinage monopology?

Coinage is a word that is created without any method of language rules, for example, .Kodak, Xerox and nylon. Some brand names such as Kleenex and Xerox are used as the general name for different brands of these same type of products. Coinage is a word that is created without any method of language rules, for example, .Kodak, Xerox and nylon. Some brand names such as Kleenex and Xerox are used as the general name for different brands of these same type of products.

What are the rules for a carry on bag?

Try checking this site out for traveling needs. See related links