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  1. January ichi-gatsu 一月
  2. February ni-gatsu 二月
  3. March san-gatsu 三月
  4. April shi-gatsu 四月
  5. May go-gatsu 五月
  6. June roku-gatsu 六月
  7. July shichi-gatsu 七月
  8. August hachi-gatsu 八月
  9. September ku-gatsu 九月
  10. October juu-gatsu 十月
  11. November juuichi-gatsu 十一月
  12. December juuni-gatsu 十二月
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βˆ™ 6y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

You attach a number to a "-gatsu" suffix (with some exceptions on January because of New Year's).

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Q: What are the Japanese words for the western months of the year?
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12! The Western calendars have settled into 12 months in a year for several thousand years.

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There are twelve months in a year.There are twelve months in a year.There are twelve months in a year.There are twelve months in a year.There are twelve months in a year.There are twelve months in a year.

Is 16 months a year?

No because there are only 12 months in a year

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Homophone months are May, June, and July. These months sound like the words "may," "june," and "july" which are homophones.

What is a Japanese New Year song that is translated in English but still have the same sounding words?

ald lang sein

What is the Japanese new year?

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12 months in a year. So a quarter year is 3 months