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Benee is the name Anatole calls Leah.

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Q: What are the Kikongo names of the Price daughters in the Poisonwood Bible?
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What are the Price sisters Kikongo names in the Poisonwood Bible?

Rachel Price is Mvula (pale white termite that comes out after the rain) Leah Price is Leba (fig tree) Adah Price is Benduka (crooked walker;small insect-eating passerine birds) Ruth May is Bandu

What is Adah price's kikongo name in the poisonwood bible?

Adah is called benduka, meaning a girl who walks crooked, or a bird that flies swiftly and with incredible grace

Is there an example of Euphemism in the poisonwood bible?

Yes, an example of a euphemism in "The Poisonwood Bible" is when Orleanna Price refers to Nathan Price's dictatorial behavior towards their family as "church discipline," downplaying the severity of his actions.

Who breaks Orleanna's plate in poisonwood bible?

Nathan Price. He breaks it after their dinner with Anatole.

What is the significance of the title of the book The Poisonwood Bible?

The title "The Poisonwood Bible" refers to the fictional Bible used by the character Nathan Price to spread his misguided beliefs in the Congo. It symbolizes how his teachings and actions, like poisonwood, have destructive consequences on his family and the people he tries to convert. The title highlights themes of colonization, cultural clashes, and the consequences of imposing one's beliefs on others.

What is Nathan's fate in the poisonwood Bible?

In "The Poisonwood Bible," Nathan Price dies after succumbing to a combination of physical ailments and mental instability. His death occurs as he is living alone in the Congo, abandoned by his family and facing the consequences of his destructive missionary zeal.

In the book the poisonwood bible how old was Ruth may when she died?

The Price's arrive in the Congo in 1959, when Ruth May is five. She dies in 1961, so she is most likely seven.

Where is Eric Francis Price Jones From the Cast of Claudine?

He lives in Spanish Harlem in NYC with his daughters.

What does the bible says concerning bride price?

This has never been an issue in the Bible concerning bride price as far as I can remember. In the Bible, when a man wants to marry, he simply takes a wife; and I cannot think of an instant of payment for her.

Who said what price vanity?

Aristotle said, "The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it."

What is the price for a bible download for Kindle?

Free go to

How much is the price of one nard alabaster?

In the Bible times it was about a years wages.