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It depends on the state in which you are wanting to work in along with experience and requirements(certifications) for each individual state

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Q: What are the Pays for a parole officer or probation officer?
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Who pays a probation officer?

There are Probation Officers and then there are Federal Probation officers... Who pays them? The goverment! As a Probation officer i get paid by the State and enjoy all the health benefits that the state offers.

What does upscounding mean?

Not reporting or (Runing) from your probation/parole officer.

Can you vote in NC while on state probation?

Yes, as long as your not on Parole- You would have to notify your Parole officer. If you are on Probation and have an appt to see your probation officer, just let him know and reschedule the appt. Do not just go and not show up for appt!

Can a probation officer send you to prison?

Probation officers can send you to prison, but they have to have a reason and get it approved.

What is the difference between a juvenile parole officer and a juvenile probation officer and a juvenile case worker?

A juvenile parole officer is someone with a BS whom is assigned to juveniles out of prison and help them get back into normal life. A juvenile probation officer is assigned to the child as an alternative to jail/prison and to keep an eye on the child. The caseworker is in charge or directing and guiding the child when it comes to the actually law stuff. Probation Officer = Before Jail/Prison Parole Officer = After incarceration

If you are on felony probation in California can you move to Seattle?

Usually one of the conditions of parole is that you cannot leave the state. Your parole officer can answer the question for you.

Can you be a probation officer with only 2 years in college?

It can vary. Contact the Dept. of Parole and Probation for your state and ask their employment requirements.

Is the person allowed to leave the city in which they received the scram bracelet?

With the permission of his probation/parole officer.

Who has higher rank a parole officer of Police detective?

Rank is irrelevant in this case, because parole officers and police detectives work for different organizations. A police detective usually works for a police department, and a parole officer works for the Dept. of Corrections or a Parole and Probation agency.

What is the difference between a probation and correction officer?

Parole - conditional release from prison incarceration.Probation - a type of conditional release from jail or a sentence modification in lieu of jail time. Some states also permit probation for a sentence modification in lieu of prison.

Can a villain leave the state?

A villain can leave the state if they arent on house arrest or on the police's most wanted watch list. If you are on parole or probation, you have to check with your parole/probation officer first, before you leave the state, to get permission.

Can you own a bullet proof vest while on probation in Missouri?

Contact your probation officer on this question. Many states DO prohibit convicted persons, and persons released on parole/probation from owning such items.