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Q: What are the Philippines waste policies?
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What are the causes in water pollution in the Philippines?

Water pollution in the Philippines is caused by various things including industrial waste. Household waste is another cause of water pollution in the Philippines.

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What is Color coding of waste in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, waste is typically color-coded into four categories: blue for biodegradable or organic waste, green for recyclable waste, red for hazardous or special waste, and black for residual waste. This color-coding system helps promote proper waste segregation and disposal practices to minimize environmental impact.

What are the policies of Manuel L Quezon as president of the Philippines?

Probably those he was elected on.

What are the Policies implemented by Spaniards to Philippines?

suma sa buwad nga naay pilok .

Do adult education is important?

no, it isnt its a waste of time, says the scientest of Philippines

Is the Philippines a capitalist or socialist or communist country?

Based on their existing laws and government policies Philippines is a true socialist country but pretending to be a capitalist nation when dealing with the outside world.

How does the local government or barrangay unit undertake the proram?

status of the solid waste management in the philippines

How does the term benevolent assimilation apply to US policies in the Philippines?

Philippine annexation would be peaceful if nobody resisted.

Enviromental problems of the Philippines?

Water pollution, deforestation, and improper waste disposal are the environmental problems of the Philippines. The other environmental problems includes noise pollution and quarrying.