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Physical factors are temperature of the water (higher temperature, less oxygen dissolved), salinity and altitude/pressure. I'm still looking for the biological factors.

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Q: What are the Physical and biological factors affecting the solubility of dissolved gases in aquatic ecosystems?
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Is the ability to be dissolved density?

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What is the amount of dissolved substance in a solution called?

The amount of dissolved substance in a solution is called the concentration of the solution. This can be expressed in various units such as molarity, molality, or weight/volume percentage.

What does solubility measure?

The solubility is the total quantity of a solute dissolved in a given volume of solvent (100 mL or 1 L) at a given temperature and pressure.

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The substance being dissolved is the solute. The solvent is the substance in which the solute dissolves to form a solution. Solubility refers to the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature.

What is the solubility of solution?

Solubility of a solute is the amount of this substance dissolved in a given solvent, at a given temperature and pressure; the solubility is expressed in g/L or g/100 mL.

What is solubility of a solution?

Solubility of a solute is the amount of this substance dissolved in a given solvent, at a given temperature and pressure; the solubility is expressed in g/L or g/100 mL.

What is solubility of solute?

Solubility of a solute is the amount of this substance dissolved in a given solvent, at a given temperature and pressure; the solubility is expressed in g/L or g/100 mL.

What is solubility solutions?

Solubility of a solute is the amount of this substance dissolved in a given solvent, at a given temperature and pressure; the solubility is expressed in g/L or g/100 mL.


capable of being dissolved

Is solubility a substance?

It is a substance that may cease to be a solid by dissolving into it's solvent. Polar substances dissolve in water; most organic substances may be dissolved in water; while inorganic substances may only be dissolved in inorganic solvents.