

What are the Roles of teachers in curriculum analysis?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are the Roles of teachers in curriculum analysis?
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What are the roles of the teachers in curriculum development?

Simply, the role of a teacher in curriculum development is to develop a curriculum according to the student's needs. This will involve both planning and creation as well as a knowledge of industry standards.

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Developing and contributing to curriculum development. Providing mentoring, supervision, professional support, counselling and guidance for teachers. Contributing to the leadership of school development planning and identifying priorities.

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An enacted curriculum refers to the curriculum that is actually delivered by teachers in the classroom, as opposed to the intended or written curriculum. It reflects how teachers interpret and implement the curriculum in their day-to-day teaching practices.

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Pradit Chatcharatkoon has written: 'An analysis of the potential roles of Thailand's Northeast Teachers' colleges in non-formal education' -- subject(s): Teachers colleges, Non-formal education

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What are the implications of ever changing curriculum teachers?

The implication of an ever changing curriculum to teachers is that it serves as an another opportunity for the teacher to develop her strategies and method of teaching.

Why teacher should know about curriculum development in education?

Teachers should know about curriculum development in education so they can understand the objectives, content, and assessments of the curriculum they are teaching. This knowledge helps teachers effectively plan their lessons, align their teaching strategies with the curriculum goals, and cater to the diverse needs of their students. Additionally, being familiar with curriculum development enables teachers to provide valuable feedback to curriculum designers for continuous improvement.

What is meant by situational analysis of curriculum development?

Situational analysis in curriculum development refers to the process of assessing the current educational context, needs, challenges, resources, and stakeholders that may influence the design and implementation of a curriculum. It involves gathering data and information to understand the unique circumstances and factors that will shape the development of the curriculum to ensure its relevance and effectiveness in a specific context. This analysis helps curriculum developers make informed decisions and tailor the curriculum to meet the needs and goals of the learners and the educational setting.

Is curriculum political embedded?

No it isn't. It would be propaganda if it was. The purpose of curriculum is to tell the teachers what to teach in what grades.

What are your perceived new roles and responsibilities as a teacher in regard to the implementation of the k to 12 bep?

The new K-12 Basic Education Program brings new perceived roles and responsibilities for teachers. These include tailoring subject matter towards a specific grade and rewriting the curriculum.

What are the implication of an everchanging curriculum to teacher?

The implication of an ever changing curriculum to teachers is that it serves as an another opportunity for the teacher to develop her strategies and method of teaching. There are also negative implications in an ever changing curriculum where the teachers will take time to adapt to the changes of the curriculum.