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Q: What are the Similarities between brook and human life?
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What does Brook represent human life or nature?

Brook represents the flow and cycle of life. It symbolizes resilience, adaptability, and the constant change that is inherent in nature and human existence. By flowing onward despite obstacles, Brook embodies the idea of renewal and continuity.

What are similarities between human life cycle and plant life cycle?

It is different from the plants life cycle because humans produce babies and plants produce seeds

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they all have human characteristics like anger and love. they also have a social life. or most of them do.

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Sports & life both have winning & losing

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get a life it is they both are sports

What will most likely follow the passage above an illustration of the differences between Gulliver and the Houyhnhnm's a description of the similarities between Yahoos and humans a characterization of?

a characterization of the Houyhnhnm's society and their way of life, contrasting it with human society and highlighting the critique on human behavior in Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels".

How is the poem a brook a source of life?

The poem "A Brook" serves as a metaphor for life and the flow of time. Just as a brook sustains life by providing water to plants and animals, the poem reflects the idea of continuous renewal and change in our journey through life. It symbolizes the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of embracing the natural rhythm of existence.

Summary of the west running brook?

it is the conversation between a wife and husband.the couple visits brook starts with simple conversation but ends with essence of human being.all water flows towards east but this brook flows towards west.its a contrary thing.sun rises in the east which shows the rise of the life and sun set s in the west represents the end of the life.the are personifying the brook-they are comparing the brook to a bird with feathers as it flipps across water.the brook here compared to Amazon(relates to female worriors in scythica(a place)).wife is very sentimental and husband is thinking in philosophical way. life is started from water that took birth.our life spinning round life that of water of the brook(pirouette).Brook is a continous flow and it may end some where.It flows to abyss'void.emptyness and abstructs come in life.the universal of cataract of death-after death we can not see any is nothing but nothingness.our life runs down in sending up the clock.the sun runs down in sending up the brook.Brook is going to the source.Brook is giving a tribute as it comes from nature. The wife and husband had a wordly husband said that the brook is running towards west she should agree.unity in trinity.

How does a sidewinder rattlesnake's family life relate to a human?

There are no similarities as there is no family life with rattlesnakes. The young are on their own from their own from the moment of birth and receive no parental care.

What were three major difference between town life and country life in Feudal Europe?

I don't know I need similarities not differences.

What are the release dates for College Life with Brook White - 2009?

College Life with Brook White - 2009 was released on: USA: 1 December 2009 (video premiere)