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the three puzzling occurrences that helped to support the theory was when the southern tips of south american and Africa do not touch

2 they did not touch in the past

over time earths continents have changed shape and traveled great distances

i was looking at a wks in class on this but hey im in seventh grade so you can trust me or not on this but here u go

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Q: What are the Three puzzling occurrences theory of continental drift?
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What are the three pieces of evidence that supports continental drift theory?

Climate fossil and fossil climate

What are Parts of the continental margin?

The three parts of the continental margins are the Continental shelf, the Continental slope, and the Continental rise.

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wheathering,erosion and cementing

List the subdivisions of the continenal margin?

The three parts of the continental margins are the Continental shelf, the Continental slope, and the Continental rise.

What are the three different setting of convergent boundaries?

The three types of convergent plate boundaries are Oceanic-Oceanic, Continental-Continental, Continental-Oceanic.

What are three possible combinations of plate collisions at convergent boundaries?

The three possible combinations would be continental-continental, continental-oceanic, and oceanic-oceanic.

What are the three possible combinations of plate collisions at convergent boundaries?

The three possible combinations would be continental-continental, continental-oceanic, and oceanic-oceanic.

What are Plate tectonics evidence?

The theory of plate tectonics has succumbed to the newer theory of continental drift. Scientists believe this theory today due to three main factors. First, the continents appear to fit together. When the continental shelves, as opposed to just the continents, are placed together, the fit appears uncanny. Second, the distribution of fossils is consistent with continental drift. Lastly, glacial deposits once covered parts of the earth that are currently tropical.ANSWER: The plate tectonics theory is relatively new and formulated only in the 1960s. The evidence listed above in the first answer can only support the continental drift theory which was developed by Alfred Wegener in 1912. Evidence that can support the plate tectonics theory are the age, depth of oceanic sediments, volcanic activity, geothermal gradient, gravity anomalies, paleomagnetism and seismologic evidence. If you are answering an exam question on evidence supporting plate tectonics, evidence supporting continental drift theory should only come later in your answer and should not be given too much emphasis, for the plate tectonics theory involves more than just the continental crust drifting around and cannot support the main hypotheses of the plate tectonics theory.

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the three date theory is a theory that after 3 dates the girl will put out.

What is the three date theory?

the three date theory is a theory that after 3 dates the girl will put out.

What is the order of marine provinces?

Continental shelf, continental slope, continental rise and abyssal plain. The first three make up the continental margin.