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Q: What are the Ways of application of centripetal force and centrifugal force?
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Does the gravitational attraction of the sun on the planets act as a centripetal or as a centrifugal force explain?

By definition, a centripetal force is a force towards a central point, exerted on an object following a curved path. It causes an object to follow a curved path, such as an orbit; this is what the gravitational force of the sun does to planets. So it is clearly a centripetal force. A centrifugal force is defined as a force that is exerted away from a center around which an object either rotates or revolves. Literally, in terms of etymology, centrifugal means fleeing the center. Planets orbit the sun because of a balance of centripetal and centrifugal forces. If there were only an attractive force pulling a planet toward the sun, the planet would fall into the sun. And if there were only a centrifugal force pulling planets away from the sun, the planets would fly out of the solar system and into interstellar space. But since these two forces are balanced, planets remain in orbit around the sun. An object on which the forces are balanced travels in a straight line at constant speed. The planets do not travel in straight lines or at constant speeds, because the forces on them are not balanced. The only force on a planet is the centripetal force of gravitational attraction between it and the sun. That single force produces all of the orbits we observe, whether elliptical (repeating) or hyperbolic (not repeating). Those orbits are fairly easy to derive using Newton's formula for gravitational force and direction, plus some geometry and some calculus. Non-furious comments: I avoid writing "centrifugal force", by writing "centrifugal effect". I think that's more or less OK, depending on your "audience". Technically "centrifugal force" is called a "fictitious force". It is actually correct to use it in a rotating frame of reference. Unfortunately, it is often used incorrectly, even by educators. Luckily, the answer to the question was "centripetal force". <<>> The physical processes are that there is a force of gravity pulling the Sun and Earth towards each other. The force acts equally both ways, producing an acceleration in both objects, towards each other, following Netwon's second law: force equals mass times acceleration. The Sun's much greater mass means that its acceleration is small, while the Earth's acceleration towards the Sun keeps it in its elliptical orbit. That is what's happening, so for those who can't remember the difference between centrifugal and centripetal, don't worry, they are not terms used by astronomers.

Explain why an object in orbit needs a centripetal force acting on it in what direction does a centripetal force act?

1). If there is no force on the object, then it keeps moving in a straight line. If you want it's path to bend away from a straight line, then you need a force in order to accomplish that. 2). The force acts in the direction that bends the path away from a straight line. In other words, in the direction in which the path curves. For a closed orbit, the force has to be toward the center, or at least close to it. Conveniently, that's where the big massive body happens to be, which sets up a nice, two-way gravitational force between the central body and the orbiting body. Gravity is the centripetal force, and it always points both ways between the two bodies, trying to draw them together.

What is banking curves?

Banked curves are the sloped turn ways usually on high speed roads (i.e. highways, race car tracks). This is to increase the centrifugal force(gravity) on the car so it does not skid off the road.

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I've read your comment; By the application of the law the authorities make us ALL mindful that there are certain ways in which we must conduct our personal and business lives, and in that manner, you could draw a conclusion that "the authorities force" us to act in lawful ways. If you have a specific question, you are going to have to be more direct about what it is that "the authorities" are trying to "force" you to do.

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no but there are ways to run it.

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Forces are created in many different ways. . . . . for example strong nuclear force electromagnetic force weak force and gravity

How centripetal force works?

When the trajectory of an object travels on a closed path about a point --either circular or elliptical -- it does so because there is a force pullingthe object in the direction of that point. That force is defined as theCENTRIPETAL force. It has not been more simply, or directly stated than byone Isaac Newton in his famous "Principia" (definition 5):"A centripetal force is that by which bodies are drawn or impelled, or anyway tend, towards a point as to a center."This force can be demonstrated by twirling a ball on a string, and eitheractually or conceptually cutting the string. The ball's trajectory is then astraight line tangential to the closed trajectory at the instant the stringis cut. This is also illustrated by what happens to the ball in the "hammerthrow" of track and field. The athlete spins the heavy ball around severaltimes then lets it fly. It takes off in a straight line (not quite, becausethe hammer is actually not spun parallel to the ground, but that is notrelevant).In industry Man uses centripetal motion in 2 ways:1. The fuel, and or steam engine, by use of a crank shaft, converting linear motion into centripetal rotary motion. To role the wheals of cars etc.2. On the jet engine, the reverse occurs, the centripetal rotary motion of fans, convert rotory motion to linear motion. High velocity exhausts to drive jet aitcraft, and such.In both cases, The latent energy of fuel is required, to provide the original moment: The only energy available to have rotated Planet Earth, through the theoretical multi thousands of years; G = god! The big god Jehovah!

What is the radial acceleration of the planet mercury?

I guess you mean the centripetal acceleration in its orbit around the Sun. That's not something that will usually be found in references such as the Wikipedia, but you can calculate it in several ways. 1) Use the law of gravitation to calculate the force between an object of mass 1 kg. at Mercury's distance from the Sun, and the Sun. Any other mass will do as well, but after calculating the force, you need to calculate the acceleration, so the mass of Mercury (or another object at the same distance) cancels in the calculation. 2) Look up Mercury's orbital data. Assuming a circular orbit, calculate the centripetal acceleration as v2/r.

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A language can be used as a centrifugal force by emphasizing differences in dialects, accent, or vocabulary, leading to fragmentation within a society. This can create divisions and separate groups based on linguistic differences, resulting in a weakening of social cohesion.