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breeze, cold.

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Q: What are the Words that describe the word wind?
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What do the words chanting loudly in an autumn wind describe?

the sound of the trees swaying in the wind

What are the words that describe a blast of wind starting with g?


What word does not belong with these words precipitation humidity anemometer temperature and why?

Anemometer. An anemometer is a machine that measures wind speed the other words do not relate to a machine but describe weather factors

How can you describe The Wind?

howling is a good descrining word for wind and another pharse to describe wing is the bitter cold breeze/wind or even a great gust of wind hit me it hit me like a car.

What are some verbs the describe the word veterans?

Verbs are not describing words; verb are words for an action or for being. Adjectives are words that describe nouns, veterans is a noun.Some adjectives to describe the word veterans:bravedeterminedearnesthonorableretiredstalwarttenaciousvaliantventurous

What words describe a mountaineer?

Words that describe a noun are adjectives; the word mountaineer is a noun.Some adjectives to describe the noun mountaineer:strongcarefultrainedfoolhardyadventurousaudaciousfocusedequippedboldintrepid

What is a different word to describe another?

different describe words short

What are words that only describe the biome?

describe features of the word's biomes?

What words describes the word sickness?

Adjectives are the words that describe nouns; the word sickness is a noun. Some adjectives that describe sickness are:lingeringcontagiousbrieftiringmorningmotionseacardebilitatingcommon

How is Onomatopoeia used to write words you might use to describe the sound of the wind?
