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Symptoms for mumps include: fever, headache, muscle ache, tiredness, loss of appetite, and swollen salivary glands. Symptoms can be mild or unapparent. It's best to see a doctor if uncertain.

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Q: What are the symptoms for mumps?
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What are the symptoms to mumps?

The signs and symptoms of mumps are: # Fever. # Swollen cheeks (on the face I mean lol). # Tiredness. # Headache. # Sore throat. # Loss of appetite. # Nausea. I am not making these up; I have had mumps last year and these are the signs/symptoms that I had. Note that the signs/symptoms above are for a 'mild version' of mumps. If you notice swelling of the testicles (if you are a man obviously), you have got to see a doctor soon (even if you do not think its mumps).

What are the initial symptoms of the mumps?

Initial symptoms include chills, headache, loss of appetite, and a lack of energy.

An inflammation of what structure is called mumps?

Mumps is, among other symptoms, inflammation of the parotid glands. These salivary glands are found on either cheek.

Symptoms of the mumps?

some symptoms of mumps (mumpotuiliosyptis) Fear Sleepiness occasional sneezing Yawnning in the morning tiredness in the night Crying at funerals if any of these symptoms are observed, report it to the nearest docter and god bless.

How many people did mumps kill?

Very, very few people die from the mumps; less than 50 in the US each year. Getting the mumps used to be very common, but now there are less then 1,000 cases in the US each year. Rarely any mumps cases are deadly.Only about 70 people die each year from mumps

Your grandson is 10 months old and he was just exposed to the mumps at daycare could he expose other people to the disease while he is possible incubating the mumps?

Yes he could. But only three days before he shows symptoms or nine days after showing symptoms. This is the period in which it is contagious.

How long is a person with mumps contagious?

A person infected with mumps can spread the virus to a non-infected person from approximately 3 days before symptoms appear, to 5 days after swelling of the salivary glands.

What is the diet of a person with mumps?

§ A diet for mumps should ideally include plenty of water, fruit juices, soups and broths. However, citrus fruits tend to aggravate symptoms of mumps. It is thus best to avoid citrus fruits if you are suffering from mumps. § Moreover, citrus fruits contribute to the production of acidity and should thus be excluded from a mumps healing diet. However, vitamin C is a necessary component for a mumps diet and citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. You should therefore include foods like cantaloupes and mangoes to compensate for vitamin C in a mumps healing diet. The fluid diet should be followed with a soft diet that is easy to chew and swallow. Swelling and throat irritation are mumps symptoms that take some time to recede. Thus, a soft diet should be maintained for a few days after a fluid diet. A soft diet includes foods like rice porridge and runny oatmeal. Such foods are easy to swallow and easy to digest. Avoid meat in a mumps healing diet as this is very difficult to digest and swallow. You should also avoid processed foods in a diet for treating mumps as such foods are not only difficult to digest, but are filled with additives that may be potentially harmful at time when your immunity is compromised. In addition, oily and fatty foods tend to aggravate mumps symptoms. Avoid all oily foods while caring for mumps symptoms. Certain spices are very beneficial in a mumps treatment diet. Spices like black pepper help alleviate symptoms of mumps. Ginger and garlic are also very effective in the treatment of mumps. Include generous quantities of garlic and ginger in a mumps healing diet.

How long are you contagious if you have mumps?

Very contagious if you haven't been immunized.

What are symptoms of the mumps?

Mumps symptomsChildren are mainly affected. Typically:Painful swelling (parotitis), usually on both sides of the faceDifficulty in opening the mouthFeverHeadacheBody discomfortMumps in adults is less common but once infected, it may involve other organs:Orchitis (Inflammation of one or both testes)Pancreatitis (Inflammation of the pancreas)Meningoencephalitis (Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord and their meninges)Rarely, oophoritis (Inflammation of one or both ovaries)

How do you know if you have mumps?

Mumps, or epidemic parotitis, is a human viral disease which is caused by the mumps virus. It was a common childhood disease worldwide before the mumps vaccine became available. It is still a significant threat to health in developing countries, with sporadic outbreaks still occurring in developed countries. The most typical presentation is painful swelling of the salivary glands - classically the parotid gland. The symptoms are generally not severe in children. Rash and painful swelling of the testes (orchitis) may also occur. In teenage males and men, complications such as various degrees of infertility are more common, although still rare in absolute terms. Males past puberty who develop mumps have a 15-20 percent risk of orchitis. Fever and headache are early symptoms of mumps, together with general discomfort and anorexia. Other symptoms of mumps can include dry mouth, sore face and/or ears and occasionally in more serious cases, loss of voice. In addition, up to 20% of persons infected with the mumps virus are asymptomatic, so it is possible to be infected and unknowingly spread the virus. The disease is generally self-limiting, running its course before receding, with no specific treatment apart from controlling the symptoms with pain medication.

What type of disease is mumps?

Mumps (epidemic parotitis) is a viral disease of the human species, caused by the mumps virus. Painful swelling of the salivary glands (classically the parotid gland) is the most typical presentation.Painful testicular swelling (orchitis) and rashmay also occur. The symptoms are generally not severe in children. The disease is generally self-limiting, running its course before receding, with no specific treatment apart from controlling the symptoms with pain medication.