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Q: What are the accounting rules as applied to non-profit organizations and bequests?
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What is necessary for an organization to get an org website?

The "org" extension was created by the DNS to differentiate between nonprofit organizations and commercial entities which were given "com". Today, anyone can apply to use "org". It is not necessary but helpful to get an org website. Once a name has been applied for, it cannot be used by anyone else.

Oxford brookes BSC in applied accounting is equivalent to US bachelors?

yes it is

What is construction accounting?

Construction accounting is simply methods of accounting and finance applied the construction industry. Lots of factors have to be taken into account including labor costs, supplies, equipment etc.

What is accounting ethics?

Accounting ethics is primarily a field of applied ethics, the study of moral values and judgments as they apply to accountancy. It is an example of professional ethics.

What type of accounting disclosure is required if consistency concept is not applied?

In accounting the consistency concept means that when a method of accounting is adopted it must be used consistently in the future. If the policy for accounting is changed in any way the nature of the change, the effects the change has on items in the financial statement and the reason for making the change must be fully disclosed by the business. If the consistency concept is not applied then disclosure of changes are made at the discretion of the business.

What type of accounting disclosure is required if the concept of consistency is not applied in the analysis of financial statement?

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Why using Accounting Standards?

Accounting standards help to standarise the financial reporting of companies in all areas to make it easier to make comparisons. With the international accounting standards it allowes this to become international, once exchange rated have been applied.

What is the definition of book value as applied to accounting?

carrying amount (original value of the asset minus accumulated depreciation)

What format is used to display non-currency numbers?

There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.

How does an accounting course play a role in earning a business degree?

One of the key aspects to business is a good understanding of accounting principles. An accounting course will help earn your degree towards business because without the knowledge of how money is used an applied a business will fail.

Does a balancing trial balance mean that all accounting principles you applied?

Not necessarily, just because it balances it can still be wrong.