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Q: What are the actions which supports traits of corazon Aquino?
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How are character traits revealed?

Character traits are revealed by the actions and description of the character.

How do you do character traits?

character traits are identified by the characters dialogue, point of view, actions, moods/feelings and physical appearance

What are the traits and values of Cory Aquino?

Cory Aquino was known for her courage, integrity, and commitment to democracy. She embodied the values of honesty, humility, and selflessness in her leadership as the first female President of the Philippines. Aquino's steadfast dedication to promoting peaceful change and standing up against tyranny left a lasting legacy in the Philippines.

How do you identify character traits?

Character traits can be identified by looking at a character's actions, words, thoughts, and how they interact with others. Observing their behavior in various situations can reveal traits such as honesty, kindness, courage, or selfishness. Paying attention to how others react to the character can also provide clues about their traits.

Which element of fiction is based on the traits and goals that strongly direct a character's actions?


When the author implies or hints at traits through the characters words and actions that is called .?

indirect characterization

When the author implies hints at traits through the characters words and actions that is called?

indirect characterization

When an author implies or hints at traits through the characters words and actions that is called?

indirect characterization

According to the monk what is one of Fortune's traits?

She whimsically changes her mind about whom she supports.

When you speak of the characters traits your referring to?

When discussing a character's traits, we are referring to their distinctive qualities, characteristics, or attributes that shape their behavior and personality. These traits help to define the character and drive their actions and decisions within a story.

What element of fiction is based on the traits and goals that strongly direct a characters actions?

Character motivation is the element of fiction based on the traits and goals that strongly direct a character's actions. It helps readers understand why a character behaves in a certain way and what drives them to make specific choices throughout the story.

How do you infer character traits of a certain person?

To infer character traits of a person, observe their actions, behavior, and the way they interact with others. Pay attention to their words, body language, and how they handle different situations. Additionally, consider their values, beliefs, and attitudes as they can provide insights into their character traits.