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Q: What are the acute and chronic effects of cocaine use?
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What is considered chronic cocaine use?

all day everyday

What are the respiratory effects of cocaine use?

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If you use cocaine on occasion what kind of effects does it have on the baby?

cocaine will really help your baby develop a cocaine addiction.

How do you use the word acute in a sentence?

Example sentence - The actions of his horrid children caused acute chronic pain for all involved.

Why is it unwise to use marijuana with alcohol or cocaine?

Marijuana use may mask the perceived effects of alcohol and cocaine when the drugs are consumed together.

What cocaine withrawal can do in your system?

Cocaine withdrawal occurs with heavy and long term cocaine use. The withdrawal symptoms with cessation of chronic cocaine use are usually emotional rather than physical. The symptoms include depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, suspicion and a craving for more cocaine, to name a few.

How long does cocaine stay in system per lbs?

cocaine never fully leaves the system, and gradual effects will show, however much you use

What effects can cocaine have on you when you get old?

I read in a magazine that Cocaine use damages the collagen in skin, which is responsible for keeping skin firm, and youthful looking.

You used cocaine forty hours ago will you show positive on a ua?

Yes. Cocaine can stay in your bloodstream up to 72 hours. It can stay in your urine for about 1 or up to 3 days after single use. Habitual or chronic use can be detected in urine for up to 12 weeks depending on quantity, duration, and frequency of use. Cocaine can stay in your hair up to about 90 days.

What is the age limit for cocaine?

The legal age limit for using cocaine is typically 18 or 21, depending on the country. However, it is illegal and dangerous for individuals of any age to use cocaine due to its harmful effects on the body and mind.

What are some mental effects of cocaine?

Physical symptoms: cold sweats, pallor, uncontrolled tremors, heaviness of the limbs, aggressive behaviour, insomnia and weight loss, increased alertness, euphoria, dilated pupils, increased pulse rate and blood pressure, insomnia and loss of appetite.Psychological symptoms are characterized by intense anxiety, depression, confusion, hallucinations and paranoid delusions. These latter symptoms often require hospitalization in a psychiatric ward. Physiological effects are associated with an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and an increase in breathing rate and a decreased appetite. Chronic effects: The frequent snorting of cocaine produces burns and sores of the membranes which line the interior of the nose, Ear and nose specialists see more and more frequently, in chronic cocaine users, perforation of the septum, the cartilage separating from the nostrils. Rapid and marked tolerance develops to cocaine use.

What is chronic ethanolism?

Alcohol dependence can have many serious effects on the brain, liver, and other organs of the body, some of which can lead to death. It's also referred to as ethanolism. Chronic Ethanolism, a term coroners often use on the death certificates of people who have drunk themselves to death.