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Its easier to obtain wood than liquid explosive dinosaurs

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Q: What are the advantage of burning wood to obtain energy over burning fossil fuels?
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Why should you look for a alternative way to obtain energy?

Because the cheap way - burning fossil fuel - has already used up more than half of all the fossil fuels that exist on this planet.

The burning of a fuel by a cell to obtain energy is called?


Where did the fossil fuels get there energy?

Ultimately, all energy only comes from the Sun. This is how the energy is transferred: Sun>plants>animals. Therefore, fossil fuels obtain their energy from plants itself and animals when they've consumed plants.

How do you usually obtain the energy from the fuels you use?

By oxidation, which releases the chemical energy from the molecules. The rapid release of energy can be called combustion (burning).

What is the real world application of peanuts and energy?

The burning simulates metabolism of food (peanut) to obtain energy (Calories), which is then used to do work.

How can you obtain fossil fuels?

fossil fuels come from non-renewable (will not last forever) energy resources, these non-renewable energy resources (fossil fuels) come from CRUDE OIL, COAL, NATURAL GAS, NUCLEAR, sometimes wood and biomass - this depends on how it is extracted

How do autotrophs obtain energy and how do heterotrophs obtain energy?

Heterotrophs obtain energy from foods they consume, and Autotrophs obtain energy by the sun light

Do you agree that the fossil fuel that people use for energy is produced by the process of photosynthesis?

Yes. Plants obtain energy via photosynthesis and store that energy in the form of carbohydrates. Sometimes when a plant dies it gets buried deep enough heat and pressure inside the earth converts the plant tissue into what we know as fossil fuels, with the same energy stored in the molecules.

How producers consumers and decomposers obtain energy?

producers obtain energy from water and sunlight, consumers obtain energy from producers and decomposers obtain energy from comsumers.

How is the energy produced by nuclear fission used?

- to obtain electrical energy - to obtain thermal energy - to obtain bombs

Is it bad to obtain fossil fuels from underground?

yes it is

How do coral obtain energy?

They obtain energy from green algae