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Q: What are the advantage of traditional library?
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When was Traditional Knowledge Digital Library created?

Traditional Knowledge Digital Library was created in 2001.

What is the advantage of library system?

The advantage of the library system is that people can always have somebody to go to for more information given upom.

What is the advantage of using cDNA library in molecular genetics?

The main advantage of cDNA library is that it contains only the coding region of a genome.

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What is the advantage of a programmable crock pot over a traditional one?

The advantage is that a programmable crock pot over a traditional one is that it can be programmed to turn off after a specific cooking time. A traditional one has to be turned off manually by the user.

Write advantage of email over traditional mail?

Speed of communication

What are the Advantage and disadvantages of traditional procurement?

advantages and disadvantages of green procurement

What is traditional libray and modern library?

A traditional library typically refers to a physical space with collections of books and other materials for borrowing. A modern library often incorporates digital resources, online catalog systems, e-books, and multimedia resources in addition to traditional print materials. Modern libraries also tend to offer various technological services and programming to meet the changing needs of library users.

A major British advantage in 1776?

A british advantage would be.......Go look it up at the library i really don't want you using the internet!

What is the difference between e library and conventional library?

The difference being that in a traditional library, you will find physical books with actual covers and pages, and dust. In an E-library, everything is on-line, and there are no covers, pages, or dust. Plus, there's no librarian in an E-library.