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The advantages are that you'll suffer less mortality and morbidity, and the disadvantages are that you might not be able to eat as much, you might have to spend time exercising, or suffer the side effects of heart drugs.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of heart disease treatment?
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to control the rate and rhythm of the heart and to prevent the formation of blood clots. If the arrhythmia is caused by heart disease, the heart disease will also be treated.

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The treatment will depend upon the type of heart disease. It will involve drugs, intervention like angioplasty and stenting, laser ablation for arrhythmia, bypass surgery and heart transplant

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Generally no they do not indicate any heart disease nor are they even really considered abnormal to find and usually no treatment is prescribed. If they are chronic you should consult a medical profession to discuss if any treatment is neccessary.