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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of hydro-electric power stations on hills?
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the disadvantages are that many people died over diseases and sometimes the wagon broke to the cause of the hills

What are the advantages and disadvantage of truck?

There are many advantages and disadvantages of trucks -Carries Many Things Like Wood Logs,and piles!! -Ease of carrying Heavy piles!! ...and these are the disadvantages -The cost like the Used Carry Truck SUZUKI for sale its white AND!!it costs $647.00!! THANK YOU FOR READING AND l --------------------------------------------l -It cant't go up steep HILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - l - l l U . .

Why is Rome often called the city of the seven hills?

The advantages of the seven hills was that the Romans could protect them selves from any attacks from the side of the hills. They were also a great lookout for the Romans

Why do people go to hills stations in summer?

i think people go to hill stations in summers because as the height increases the temperature decrases and so as have cool and pleasant surroundings people prefer to go there because in winters it would become unbearable to go there.

Where would you locate an hydroelectric plant?

Along rivers or streams, at the foot of hills and mountains with ponds or lakes, and at the mouths of bays and inlets where there are tides. Hydroelectric plants operate on the basis of gravity moving water downward. So the requirement for hydroelectric power is water and a difference in height, altitude or depth. Most Hydroelectric plants are located on rivers and used dams to provide the difference in height. In some cases, hydro plants have been built at the foots of hills or mountains that had lakes on them at higher levels. If the difference in altitude is sufficient, a small flow and a small power plant can produce an impressive amount of power. It is possible to get hydroelectric power from the movement of water without a dam, and this is done in rivers with sufficient current, but where damming the river would be too destructive to the land or things on the land. It is also done in places with tidal flows that are sufficiently energetic. Micro-hydroelectric sites can even be small streams, if the water flow is sufficiently reliable.

What are the advantages of an automatic car?

no possibility of hurting clutch or tranny, no rolling back on hills, and simplier to drive

When you on over drive?

The output shaft of the transmission turns at a faster rate than the input shaft. This has both advantages and disadvantages. It allows you to use taller rear end gears, giving you better starting torque. It's also a parasitic drain on the engine, and you'll lose power when towing or on hills.

What are the advantages of hills?

Hills are cool! they have more rainfall (water),the pleasant weather helps in recovering from heat and diseases of tropics,offers comforting haven for rest and recreation and are a source of fresh vegetables and water from rivers.

Why automatic transmission?

An automatic transmission has some advantages over a manual transmission. An automatic is easier to drive in traffic and on hills, as you do not have to keep operating the clutch.

What are Rome advantages?

Geographical advantages: the first people who settled on Rome's seven hills were not thinking about building a great empire. they chose that site because it seemed to be a good place to live. the hills made the area easy to defend. the soil was fertile, and the area had a good source of water. from the mountains of central Italy, Tiber river flowed througt rome before emptying into the Thrrhenian Sea.

What are some disadvantages of water pollution?

There are many disadvantages of water pollution. These disadvantages include endangering organisms, changing ecosystems, acid rain, mutating organisms, and contaminated soil.

How many hills in the chocolate hills?

The chocolate hills has 1,766 hills in the chocolate hills.