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advantages and disadvantages of parents and teachers associations

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of parent teacher associations?
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Parent Teacher Associations operate only at the elementary educational level?


What is Parent Teacher Association in the Philippines?

Associations are local organizations, and would vary from place to place. Contact the school or school district that you are asking about and find out whether they have a parent/teacher association.

What is the meaning of PTA mom?

PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association. These associations are part of schools. A PTA mom is one who is active in this program at their child's school.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a parent?

Free labor, someone to smack around, money for child support, and fruit stamps

Why is parent teacher conference called PTA. Shouldn't it be PTC?

Because its not a 'parent teacher conference' Its the 'parent teacher association'

What are the advantages of a single parent family?

Parents aren't fighting with each other. I would say there are scores of disadvantages for each advantage someone comes up with.

What has the author Charles Vincent Madder written?

Charles Vincent Madder has written: 'History, 1895-1963' -- subject(s): Canadian Home and School and Parent-Teacher Federation, Parents' and teachers' associations

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a lone parent family?

Advantages- the parent can send more time with the child/ren because there will be no one else there to share the time with. There will be less conflict within the home as there will be only one parent living there. Disadvantages- It'll be more of a financial strain because it'll be a one income home. The lone parent might find themselves more stressed out because of the financial burden and the fact that they might try and be both maternal and paternal figure to the child/ren there are more but i hope that helps for now:)

What are advantages and disadvantages of a lone parent family?

Advantages- the parent can send more time with the child/ren because there will be no one else there to share the time with. There will be less conflict within the home as there will be only one parent living there. Disadvantages- It'll be more of a financial strain because it'll be a one income home. The lone parent might find themselves more stressed out because of the financial burden and the fact that they might try and be both maternal and paternal figure to the child/ren there are more but i hope that helps for now:)

Is there privileged communication between a parent and teacher?

Yes, there can be a privileged communication between a parent and a teacher.

What are Advantages and disadvantages of artificial vegetative propagation?

This process has many advantages: The new plants produced will be exactly like the parent plants. The fruit trees grown from cutting or grafting start to bear fruit faster. Many plants can be grown from just one parent plant. We can also get seedless plants.

Disadvantages of producing asexually?

only one parent only one parent