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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of semi muffle furnace?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of semi intensive management system of cattle production?

ADVANTAGES: 1. Require less energy than intensive ones 2. Require less land than extensive ones 3. Remove as much BOD as intensive ones 4. Remove as much pathogens and refractory pollutants as extensive ones 5. Release no or very little sludge. NO IDEA FOR DISADVANTAGES.

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it requires low investment and higher returns.

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Advantages ; pros:very small, semi-portable, cheaper, good for any average user, can run Linux, OSX, or anything windows cons: Disadvantages ; not easily transported with a large monitor(also you have cords and mice

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5 disadvantages of semi-intensive system of livestock management?

See Joel Salatin videos.

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Power consumption, lower cost in massive bulk.

What are the advantages of semi intensive system?

There are many advantages of a semi intensive system. This is a feeding system for birds that is used to provide them with the ability to eat natural vegetation and insects that they enjoy. These systems can reduce the amount of feed needed for the animals. It also allows for easier feeding capabilities.

What are the disadvantages of semi vegetarian?

Not much ,in fact, this is probably the best diet for humans and the healthiest. You could however get weaker bone, papler skin or an increase in cardiovascular disease if you dont have enough. There are more advantages like less risk of bad meat with diseases carried with it and a balanced diet of everything with not too much of anything

What are the advantages of intrinsic semiconductor?

due to the poor conduction at room temperature,the intrinsic semiconductor as such,is not useful in the electronic devices.hence,the current conduction capability of the intrinsic semi conductor should be increased. this can be achieved by adding a small amount of impurity to the intrinsic semi conductor

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Semi-detached houses offer more privacy and space than apartments or townhouses. They also tend to be more affordable than detached houses while still providing a sense of ownership and autonomy. Additionally, semi-detached houses often have their own yard or outdoor space for residents to enjoy.