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Task orientated leaders are focused on getting the task done correctly and getting it done on time this is very important especially if you work in highly regulated industries for example I work in a restaurant all task need to be done correctly or people could get hurt, food needs to be stored well or there could be serious consequences. If you go to a restaurant do you want the chef to be task oriented and prepare food according to the correct procedure or not. So you see task oriented leadership is awesome it gets the job done correctly.

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its stupid public services coursework is rubbish, it will benefit you if you do proper A-levels. BTECs are not useful.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages to task oriented leadership?
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The advantage is a ttrimmed bush. Disadvantage is the task of trimming.

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It means to have direct organisation to the task pre plan & choose the best people to execute it succesfully

What is task-oriented?

Goals mean a purpos,a direction.In social action purpose is very meaningfull because action is played by an individual and an individual has a purpose for society an individual may also have a goal for society but mostely an individual played for his bettlement.

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The difference between generic and specific task oriented rubric is that whereas one is holistic, the other one is analytic. The generic oriented rubric is holistic while the specific task oriented is analytic.

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The advantages of Task Manager is that it's a nice compact program, it's comes free with Windows and it's nice and easy to use. It allows you to check what is running on your machine and stop programs which do not need to be ran. I don't know any disadvantages, it's a very nice program to have and use.

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the advantage is that since they document every task that has to be made, the quality of the product should always be the same. also, it is easier to replace their employees since everything is documented, they caN just give the procedures to a newbie instead of spennding big money on a training

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Single user operating systems?

Advantages to single-user, single-tasking operating systems are, the computer is dedicated to one particular task at a time. No other aspect of the computer is shared in that moment. Disadvantages are tasks may take much longer to complete.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Single-user operating systems?

Advantages to single-user, single-tasking operating systems are, the computer is dedicated to one particular task at a time. No other aspect of the computer is shared in that moment. Disadvantages are tasks may take much longer to complete.