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that apples can taste good and they are healthy for you to eat

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Q: What are the advantages of Apple?
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What are the advantages of apple products?

Some advantages of the Apple computer are that they are secure and are reliable. Some disadvantages of the Apple computer are that they are expensive and can not be upgraded.

Advantages of apple compare to Microsoft?

Apple works is not an oxymoron but Microsoft Works is.

What are the advantages of an Apple iPad 2?

it has a camera.

What are the advantages of using the Apple cinema display?

Using an Apple cinema display has a few advantages. It provides a crisp and clear picture that helps the user get better resolutions. It makes viewing the computer monitor a much nicer experience.

What are the advantages of an Apple iPad over other devices like it?

There are so many advantages in an Apple IPad. It has large memory, you can download a lot of websites, the access to wifi is fast and reliable and it's large screen has a nice virtual keyboard.

What are some advantages to the Apple Mac Pro?

All Apple products are good electronics. The Apple Macbook Pro is the best laptop Apple makes, it's really thin and super powerful, it can do a lot of stuff especially for music or business.

Is Apple the best software?

It's a matter of personal opinion. All OS Softwares have their advantages and disadvantages. In fact, many modern households actually have an Apple and a Microsoft computer.

What is the disadvantange of using an Apple computer instead of a PC?

You cannot run Windows only programs unless you install Windows on your Apple computer and dual boot. Other than that there are no other disadvantages and many advantages.

What were the advantages of apple computers?

less likely to get a virus, and if a virus is in the computer then it is easier to extract a virus from an apple computer than a PC computer. Even though apple computers can be a bit expensive they last long and are very compatible with many programs.

What would be the advantages of using an Apple iPhone over a different model from another manufacturer?

The Apple iPhone is the leader in what has become known as the smartphone. They are the most innovative and most technologically advanced phone on the market today.

What are the advantages of subscribing to Apple email?

The benefits of the Apple email system are that one can access them wherever one is without having to continually log in and out. E-mails are indexed according to your set up and the service is speedy.

What are the advantages of owning a G5 Mac?

The original advantages of owning a G5 Mac when it was first released was that it was the most powerful computer available to Apple's lineup. It was released in 2003 and to the year 2006 had a retail price of $2,000.