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More and more states in the United States are requiring a 4 year degree to be a licensed surveyor. Geomatics is a broad field which encompasses land surveying, remote sensing, Geographic information Systems, Global Positioning Systems and related forms of mapping. All of this is part and parcel of the job of a land surveyor. Land surveying is no longer the Red Headed Step Child of Civil Engineering. It is now a unique discipline that encompasses measuring, mapping, and legal opinions. A geomatics degree will better prepare the professional for the career that is in store for him or her. You learn the why's not just the how to's of the job through the geomatics degree. That is the difference between a professional and a technician.

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16y ago
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9y ago

The advantages of geomatics is that it equips the learner with broad skills as far as geography is concerned. The learners get to understand remote sensing and land surveying in detail.

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12y ago

you can know the place on map ground so that it will be easy to know the information of geographic place

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Q: What are the advantages of Geographic information system?
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"Sistema de informação geográfica" is a Portuguese equivalent of "geographic information system."

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Geographic Information System (GIS) is the name for a computer-based system that stores and uses information linked to geographic locations. It allows users to analyze, visualize, and interpret spatial data for various purposes such as mapping, planning, and decision-making.

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By definition, a geographic information system (GIS) is a computer application used to store, view, and analyze geographical information. Google Earth is such a system.

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A geographic information system differs from other computerized information systems in two major respects. First, the information in this type of system is geographically referenced (geocoded). Second, a geographic information system has considerable capabilities for data analysis and scientific modeling, in addition to the usual data input, storage, retrieval, and output functions.A geographic information system is composed of software, hardware, and data. The notion of data layer (or coverage) and overlay operation lies at the heart of most software designed for geographic information systems.

What is the name for a computer based system that stores and uses information linked to geographic locations?

That could be a Geographic Information System. That could also be a GPS device.

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A geographic information system can tie a digital map to a database. The geographic information system is called the GIS. It may also tie real-time photos to the map to help with things like GPS navigation.

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Geographic Information System

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Is a system that creates. Specialized map from digital map information stored in a databank?

Geographic information system