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The advantages of having a quit smoking therapy are better health, better teeth, low cost treatment, high success rate and continuous after care support. This therapy is very popular because it provides very good results.

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10y ago

Laser treatment to help you quit smoking is still very experimental and not a validated treatment as of yet, however, the laser stimulates acupressure points of the ears, nose, fingers and wrists to increase endorphin levels, which will relax you and minimize / remove cravings. After this, you would still need psychological training to lessen the thoughts of wanting to smoke, and even then you would need to detox, because laser treatment is supposed to be nearly instant, but you will still have the particles in your body from your last smoke (if you smoked recently) that needs to be rid of.

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10y ago

Laser therapy to quit smoking is used in the same style as acupuncture is used. Lasers are aimed at specific parts of the body, which puncture certain nerves to help get rid of cravings.

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