

Smoking Cessation

Here you will find questions and answers that offer suggestions on how to stop smoking, including the health benefits (both short term and long term) from doing so.

335 Questions

If you smoked marijuana 92 days ago would you pass a hair test?

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For most hair drug tests, a 90-day window is common, although it can vary. Since you smoked marijuana 92 days ago, it's possible that you may still have detectable levels in a hair test. Factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and hair growth rate can also affect results.

Compensatory pause ecg?

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A compensatory pause on an ECG refers to a pause in heart rhythm that follows a premature beat or extra heartbeat. This pause allows the heart to reset and resume its normal rhythm. It is a normal mechanism of the heart's electrical system to ensure effective pumping.

Will vinegar get nicotene out if your urine?

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There is limited scientific evidence to suggest that vinegar can help remove nicotine from urine. It's best to consult with a healthcare professional for guidance on how to manage nicotine levels in your body.

How much nicotene in Winston white box?

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A Winston White box cigarette typically contains around 0.8mg of nicotine per cigarette.

When is nicotene out of your blood and urine?

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Nicotine is typically detectable in the blood for 1-3 days and in urine for 3-4 days after last use. However, heavy or long-term smokers may have detectable levels for longer periods of time.

Is the nicotene in a smoke got worse than the olden days?

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Nicotine levels in cigarettes have increased over time due to the use of genetic engineering and additives in tobacco. This can make modern cigarettes potentially more harmful and addictive than older varieties.

Can you take chantix with nicotene patch?

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It is generally not recommended to use Chantix (varenicline) with nicotine patches simultaneously, as they both work on the same receptors in the brain and may increase the risk of side effects. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider before using these medications together to ensure safe and effective treatment for smoking cessation.

How much nicotene is in a prime time grape?

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A Prime Time Grape flavored cigarillo contains approximately 0.6 mg of nicotine per cigarillo.

How do you kill a nicotene craving?

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To kill a nicotine craving, you can try distracting yourself with a different activity, like going for a walk or doing deep breathing exercises. Chewing gum or sucking on a mint can also help. Drinking water or engaging in a mindful activity can help ride out the craving until it passes.

How is physiological dependence related to addiction?

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Physiological dependence refers to the body's adaptation to a substance, leading to withdrawal symptoms when the substance is removed. Addiction involves compulsive drug-seeking behavior despite negative consequences. Physiological dependence can contribute to addiction by reinforcing drug use to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

How many times does it take for the average person to quit smoking?

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It can take multiple attempts for the average person to successfully quit smoking. Studies suggest that it takes an average of 8-10 attempts before someone is able to quit smoking for good. Quitting smoking is a difficult process that often involves setbacks, but persistence and support can lead to long-term success.

What causes cigarette cravings?

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Cigarette cravings can be caused by nicotine addiction, which alters brain chemistry and creates physical dependence. Psychological triggers, such as stress, routine, or social situations, can also contribute to cigarette cravings. Additionally, habits and associations formed over time with smoking can lead to strong cravings.

When you have quit smoking do you feel sad?

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Smoking stimulates the production of brain chemicals that make us feel good. As we become addicted to the nicotine, we require more and more of it simply to feel normal, and the brain produces less and less of the "feel good" chemmies, depending on the nicotine to stimulate production. When we quit, our decreased ability to manufacture them will cause us to feel depressed until our bodies are again able to produce normal levels without help.

Smoking also increases our metabolism, and stopping cause it to slow down. That, and the desire to be satisfying the oral craving for a cigarette, can cause us to gain weight. We need to go to the gym or walk or exercise in some other way. Exercising will also help reduce the depression. When we feel the need to put something in our mouth, we should chew on a toothpick or some gum.

We might gain some weight when we stop, but not to worry. It is more important that we stop smoking. After overcoming this powerful addiction, we can work on weight control at our leisure.

Can your lungs completely heal themselves as long as you quit smoking at an early age?

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Most people find that they are reasonably comfortable after a couple of months. The nicotine leaves your system within 24 hours, unless you are using replacement therapy (which we highly recommend -- the patch in particular, since it does not support the oral habit).

It is the readjustment of your brain to living without foreign stimulation that takes a long time. Experts believe that it never completely recovers, because a very few cigarettes years later can result in a full-blown addiction very rapidly.

There are habits that take a long time to get over, as well, such as reaching for a cigarette at certain times: on the phone, after a meal, with a drink, while driving, etc. This writer was appalled to find himself reaching toward his breast pocket for a smoke during an argument with his wife -- more than 10 years after he had completely quit.

Perhaps the most important advice we can give is to keep in mind that EVERY reason you come up with for having a smoke is simply an excuse to feed your addiction. There is no good reason. The weight gain can be dealt with by exercise, and depression and other emotional symptoms, if present, can be supported by Nicotine Anonymous and counseling if needed.

5 major community health problem?

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Improper Disposal of Human Excreta and Sewage

Improper Refuse Storage and Disposal

Food Sanitation

Control of Rodents and Insects

How do you leave smoking?

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There are different ways of quit smoking.

Cold turkey (no outside help). About 90% of people who try to quit smoking do it without outside support -- no aids, therapy, or medicine. Although most people try to quit this way, it's not the most effective or successful method. Only between 4% and 7% are able to quit by doing it alone. Behavioral therapy This involves working with a counselor to find ways not to smoke. Together, you'll find your triggers (such as emotions or situations that make you want to smoke) and make a plan to get through the cravings. Now it can be done without a psychologist. I was reading about an app called "Quit Genius" in the Evening Standard. It's essentially a personal psychologist in your pocket and is like the Headspace for smoking and uses scientifically proven techniques o change the way you think about smoking. It is awesome.

Does nicotine by itself as in patches or gum weaken the immune system?

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Smoking affects your immune system because when you smoke, not enough oxygen is able to enter your lungs, which can lead to lung cancer; lung cancer eventually leads to death If not cared for properly. Smoking also kills enzymes and causes your immune system to weaken & when the res blood cells are in need of nourishment, [white blood cells were killed for smoking too much] there are no WBC's to aid them.

What are the major community health problems?

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Examples include; smoking, alcohol and drug abuse/dependence, domestic violence, infant and child nutrition, vaccination participation problems, STDs, and lack of health screenings (for blood pressure, obesity related problems, diabetes, cholesterol and triglyceride elevations, hepatitis, TB, and others).

Will your lungs clear up after being a smoker?

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Eight hours after you quit smoking, your lungs start to heal and will heal until they have fully healed. To do this better you must try to avoid inhaling any other chemicals from other drugs to household products. Go out into the country and breathe fresh air.

Reasons to quit smoking?

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You should quit smoking because It is the single most preventable cause of early death in the world. Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, and chronic lung disease. Each day 1200 people die from smoking in America. Cigarette smoking causes 87% of lung cancer and contributes to more than 400000 deaths each year in the United States.

Quitting smoking saves money. A pack a day smoker, who pays $8 per pack, can expect to save around $2900 per year. IF someone walked up to you and said "I will give you $3000 if you quit smoking for a year" would you say in reply "Nice- I will try!" If so, go look in a mirror and say it to yourself "I will give myself $3000 if I quit for a year", because if you quit, that is exactly what you will get.

How do you get your mom to quit smoking?

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Smoking cessation is extremely difficult. Your mother should consult her doctor, and follow his or her directions. However, you should know that unless she wants very much to stop, she will probably not be successful.

Why do you have mood swings after quitting smoking?

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Magical fairies enter your brain and begin dancing in circles, once the dizziness goes away, it means that they have left your head and have gone home for a nap. It doesn't mean its gone for good because the fairies may try to return. A GREAT method of keeping them away is to rub chicken fat all over your chest as fairies are naturally afraid of chicken fat and the musky odor that lingers around you. !!WARNING!! A side effect may be toe fungus troll may attack your feet. look up troll fungus to find out more.

How do pills help you quit smoking?

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Yes, dont know the name but my father used it and it was highly successful. After smoking more than 33 years it helped him to kick the habit. It is by prescription only, at least it was five years ago. Call your doctor or ask a pharmacist.

How long does nicotine take to leave your system when you quit smoking?

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The nicotine should be out of your system within 3 - 4 days after your last cigarette. But the cravings for it will last quite a bit longer since nicotine is addictive both physically and psychologically.