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The fact that microwaves uses radiation in order to heat objects can pose a health risk to eaters. Popcorn poppers uses convection to heat objects, so no radiation risks are present.

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Q: What are the advantages of using a popcorn popper over microwave popcorn?
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What is the best popcorn popper?

It depends on the application, are you using it on the stove, microwave, or your grill. Whirley-Pop makes what many consider to be the best stove-top popper. I have added a link that also shows the other types of popcorn poppers.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a popcorn popper?

Some of the advances of having a popcorn popper is that you are able to pop a large amount of popcorn in one go as opposed to small bags at a time. Clean up and storage is the only real disadvantage.

What are the benefits of using a popcorn air popper over a stove top or microwave?

Benefits of using a popcorn air popper over a stove top or microwave include complete control over ingredients, no need for popping oil, no added oils and no cleanup. You can purchase an Air Popper online from stores such as Walmart and Bed Bath and Beyond.

How many ways can you pop popcorn?

there are 2 ways to make popcorn. 1. put it in the microwave and pop it. or 2.dump it all out in a pot and cover the pot and the it will pop soon hope i helped you :)

What is the minimum age for using popcorn popper?

You should be minimum 4 years

How can you reheat unpopped popcorn kernels?

To grow corn from popcorn kernels you must first sterilize them by taking the butter off of them. Then place them in a wet paper towel, using about four kernels for a experiment. Then fold the cloth so that you can see the kernels trough the cloth. Then place them in a small cup and water them frequently and keep up with the results.

What are the health benefits of using an air popper to make popcorn?

There is less oil and fat accumulated in the popcorn in contrast with pan-made or microwaved popcorn. And there is less accumulated gases in air popped popcorn than microwaved popcorn.

How does the microwave know when your popcorn is done?

The microwave doesn't actually know when the popcorn is done. You have to listen to the slowing of the popcorn popping sound. When a microwave oven has a "popcorn" button, it is really just setting the microwave for the ideal temperature and time for popping microwave popcorn. It does not actually know when the popcorn is done.

Do I Need a Popcorn Maker?

As long as you use regular popcorn kernels with nothing added to them, it really makes no difference in the taste of the popcorn if you pop it in the microwave or in a popcorn maker. However, if you are using the packets of microwave popcorn that have added flavorings and fat, I would say that plain popcorn tastes better. If you want to make popcorn conveniently but without additives, I would recommend putting about a quarter of a cup of popcorn kernels in a regular brown paper bag along with about a teaspoon of vegetable oil and using that to pop the popcorn in the microwave instead of the microwave popcorn bags from the grocery store. You simply add the kernels and oil in the bag, seal it up tightly, then microwave for two to three minutes, until you hear the kernels stop popping. This is significantly healthier, cheaper, and better-tasting than store-bought popcorn.

Can the time to microwave a bag of popcorn using the automatic setting be treated as a random variable having a normal distribution?


What is a pill popper?

a pill popper is a very very wierd drug dealer. The pill popper pops the drugs for using. a pill popper is a very very wierd drug dealer. The pill popper pops the drugs for using.

What materials do you need to perform an elementary popcorn science project?

You can purchase popcorn in bulk, or in packages at grocery stores. There are specialty popcorn stores where you can buy organic or various specialty popcorns. You can use a hot air popper, a microwave or the old fashioned way. Use oil or shortening in a 4-6 quart kettle. Heat until very hot (not smoking). It is important when using oil to place the kernels in the oil before you turn on the heat, otherwise it may splash and hurt you. Most popcorn comes with directions for temperature, time, etc. It is important when using a microwave oven---DO NOT WALK AWAY--while popcorn is popping. Each microwave varies. I have had the best luck with microwave popcorn by placing a cup of water on 2 minutes heat, before you pop. Take out the cup of water, take the wrapper off the popcorn---do not open the microwave popcorn bag until finished popping. It is a good idea to wait a minute or two to let the steam escape. Holding the corners of the bag---make sure it is pointed away from your face in case a kernel should pop or steam escape. You can add popcorn salt, butter, garlic powder or a variety of different spices to make your popcorn more tasty and unique. Enjoy!