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It would depend on how far away it was and what size it was, lets say it was about 600 kilometers away from Earth and was about 200 kilometers in Diameter, we would probably be experiencing either massive weather differences and would be pulled out of orbit and even most likely sucked into the black hole!

(added by john) Black holes are objects whose gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape the gravitational pull. The powerful gravity is the result of extreme density. Imagine squeezing New York City into a teacup. That's the sort of density in a black hole.

Since light cannot escape from a black hole, we see nothing when we look at where we think a black hole exists. We suspect the existence of black holes when we see gravitational effects they cause

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If there is a planet anywhere near a black hole, it will be pulled in and destroyed by the hole's intense gravational pull.

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Q: What affect do miniature black holes have on earth?
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Is there a certain time of year black holes form?

Black holes are outside the confines of both the Earth and the Solar System, the passing of our year does not affect when they form.

Where is miniature black hole present?

The existence of miniature black holes have not been confirmed yet. It has been hypothesized that there may be some, that formed during the Big Bang. If they did form, we might see flashes from the disintegration of those black holes, now and then. (A miniature black hole takes much less time to disintegrate than a bigger one.)The existence of miniature black holes have not been confirmed yet. It has been hypothesized that there may be some, that formed during the Big Bang. If they did form, we might see flashes from the disintegration of those black holes, now and then. (A miniature black hole takes much less time to disintegrate than a bigger one.)The existence of miniature black holes have not been confirmed yet. It has been hypothesized that there may be some, that formed during the Big Bang. If they did form, we might see flashes from the disintegration of those black holes, now and then. (A miniature black hole takes much less time to disintegrate than a bigger one.)The existence of miniature black holes have not been confirmed yet. It has been hypothesized that there may be some, that formed during the Big Bang. If they did form, we might see flashes from the disintegration of those black holes, now and then. (A miniature black hole takes much less time to disintegrate than a bigger one.)

Have there been deaths caused by a black hole?

No. The nearest black holes to Earth are many light years away, much to far to affect us.

What do black holes emit that could allow them to be detected from the earth?

Black holes does emit radiation, but they cannot be detected from earth. We use gravitational lensing to "see" the black holes.

Why the earth is not the center of the milky way?

Earth is a planet. Center's of galaxies sometimes contain black holes. Planets can't be black holes.

Are black holes in space?

Yes, that's where they are. A black hole on Earth would utterly destroy the Earth, in a very short time.The existence of black holes is now generally accepted, by the way.

Is there any black-hole on your earth?

No - at least no black holes as defined by physics.

Was the earth formed by black holes scattered throughout the galaxy?

No. Earth was formed by the accretion of material in the protoplanetary disk around the newly formed sun. Black holes were not involved.

Are black holes harmful to earth?

The Earth has never been endangered or harmed by a black hole, and chances are, never will be.

Did people really think of the Earth as a sphere and black holes?


Are black holes dangerous to people?

Black holes could be dangerous to people if people were close to a black hole, but there are no black holes near the planet Earth (as far as we know) and the closest one is probably in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, which is about 80,000 light years from Earth, which is a safe distance.

How do black holes affect humans?

Black holes affect humans in 2 ways: 1. By stretching them to the width of one atom (spaghettification) 2. By converting them into energy (mostly in the form of X-rays)