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Q: What are the affects of extinction of vulture?
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Does vulture extinct?

no, they are not... but are in urge of extinction

Is a turkey vulture nearly extinct?

Turkey vulture are not in danger of extinction, they are the most numerous of the vultures.

What the effects of the ozone have on the health and the environment?

The ozone has effects on health and environment. These affects are fatal enough for extinction.

Is a turkey vulture a new world vulture or an old world vulture?

it is an old world vulture

Types of vultures?

Vultures are separated into two groups: Old world vultures and new world vultures old world vultures include species in Africa, Europe, and Asia. New world vultures are the species found in the Americas. Old World Vultures are: The Lammergeier (or Bearded Vulture) The Palm Nut Vulture Egyptian Vulture Cinereous Vulture (aka eursian black vulture or monk vulture) Griffon Vulture White Rumped Vulture Rupell's Vulture The Indian Vulture Slender Billed Vulture Himalayan Vulture Cape Vulture The Hooded Vulture The Red Headed Vulture Lappet Faced Vulture and the White Headed Vulture New World Vultures are: The Turkey Vulture Black Vulture Andean Condor King Vulture and the California Condor

How does deforestation affect Hawaii?

Deforestation affects Hawaii the same way it affects the rest of the world. Animals are displaced from their homes and many face extinction because their habitat is being destroyed.

Is the California condor a turkey vulture?

No, but it is a vulture, larger than the turkey vulture.

What is vulture in spanish?

vulture == zopilote

How depletion of the ozone layer affects the tropical rainforest?

Depletion of ozone causes UV to enters. This can directly cause extinction of flora and fauna.

What originally caused the near extinction of the bearded vulture?

Indiscriminate use of acetocin in the cattle. the residual effect of this chemical in carcasses of dead animals took a heavy toll on the bearded vultures when they fed on these dead bodies.

Who has the sharpest vision vulture or owl?


What a sentence for vulture?

Another vulture has arrived...