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Animals that don't eat plants are called herbivores. Some of these animals include horses, types of fish, types of birds, deer and rabbits.

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Q: What are the animals that only eat plants and grasses?
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Do elks eat other animals?

No, they only eat plants and grasses.

What food do wild oxen eat?

Grasses, plants. They are a herbivore and eat only plants.

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What kind of stuff do desert animals eat?

Some animals eat grasses and other plants. Other animals feed on these animals that feed on plants. Some animals are omnivores ad feed on both plants and other animals,

What kind of plants gets eaten by wetland types of animals?

They eat bark, grasses and aquatic plants.

How do you get the animals on sims African animals?

The animals automatically come to you. Plant-eating animals come if you have enough plant and grasses for them. The meat-eating animals come to you also. But only if you have enough food for them. (Warning, meat-eating animals only eat animals that eat plants.)

What do both herbivores and omnivores eat?

Herbivores only eat plant matter... In the animal kingdom this often means grasses and grains.Omnivores will eat essentially anything including plants, grasses and grains, but would extend to also eating herbivores and other animals.

What animals do zebra eat?

None, they are herbivores.the zebra doesnt eat any animals its a hebovore

How does the giraffe attack its prey?

Giraffes are not predators, they are herbivores. That is, they eat plants rather than attacking other animals.

What type of plant or animal does a manatee eat?

Manatees are herbivores, so they don't eat animals, only plants. They like to eat water lettuce, eel grass, and other underwater grasses.

Grasses can keep growing after animals eat part of them?

Most plants grow from the top but grasses are different, they grow from the base so cutting or animals grazing does not stop them growing.

What do you call animals that plants only?

If you meant "What do you call Animals that EAT plants only?" then the answer is Herbivores. Animals that only eat meat are Carnivores; and animals that eat both are Omnivores.