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Q: What are the answers to 6th grade dg week 25?
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What is your grade if you get 16 out of 25 right?

Your grade would be 64% if you get 16 out of 25 answers correct.

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Where can you find the accelerated reading answers to Charlie Bone?

there isn't any answers you shouldn't be cheating. its actually a really good book and u should have a higher AR goal mine is 25 and a kid in 6th grade already had 256 points read!

How can you find the grade average from 5 wrong out of 30 questions?

30 - 5 = 25 correct answers. 25/30 x 100 = 83% (rounded to a whole number)

What grade is a 25 out of 45?

25 out of 45 = 56% = Failing grade

What is your grade test are 75 percent of average and Assignments are 25 percent your test grade average is a 57 and your assignment grade is a 75?

If Your test grade avearge is 57 and your assignment grade is 75 and the test grade counts for 75% and asignment 25%, then your grade is .75 (57) + .25(75) = 61.5

What grade is 25 out of 25?

um... a 100%?

What is your grade 3 out of 25?

It is 12%, which is a fail grade.

How fast should kids be able to type?

1st grade: at least 5 2nd grade: at least 7 3rd grade: at least 10 but I can type 72 4th grade: at least 15 5th grade: at least 20 6th grade: at least 25 this is at least, but some people may type slower or faster, (this is just below average)

How do i average my grade when my grade is an 82 and my final was a 73 and the final is worth 25 what is my final grade?

If final is 25% of grade and your average was 82 before final that part is 75%. So we have (.75(82) + .25 (73)) = 80

What percent of children popular at school?

I'm not completly right, but i think that about 30% of kids are popular in a grade in elementary school. In middle school, about 45% of kids are popular in a grade. In high school, about 25% teens are popular in a grade.

What grade is china anne mclain going to 2011?

china anne mclain is in 6th grade right now 2011 when we go back to school in august 2012 she will be in 7th grade and she's 12 right now not 13 yet shes 13 august 25, 2012