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Q: What are the answers to a really pig show?
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What is a really pig show?

puppet show

What is the brain teaser answer to a really pig show?

Really, no one knows.

Is Piglet from the Winnie the Pooh stories a baby pig or a baby armadillo?

actually piglet is really as baby armadillo and the reason that he is, is because when an armadillo is a baby they are called piglets. and he is not wearing a shirt in the tv show that is really what is stumck looks like.

Are guinea pigs cages excspenceve?

Hello I know a lot about guinea pigs, but it really does depend the question is, is are you just looking for a family guinea pig? A show guinea pig? or a breeding guinea pig? If a family guinea pig you can visit your local animal shelter they really can be from 0$ to 250$ Ones from petstores are usually 20$ to about 60$

Is pig really a cow?

No, it's a pig!

What you call for pig's shelter?

A pigsty is what you call a pig's shelter!call me at 386 456 7890 for more answers :)

He is a pig is an example of?

If he is really a human, this is an example of a metaphor. If he is really a pig, this is an example of a sentence or statement.

What was the first webkinz ever sold?

I looked it up on yahoo answers and a lot of the answers were the pig

Who is the voice of daddy pig in pepper pig?

Richard Ridings is the voice of Daddy Pig in the Television Show, Peppa Pig.

Are pig skins really made of pig skin?

Yes they are.

Is it normal for a guniea pig to lick?

Yes, in fact, if a guinea-pig licks you, they really, really like you!

How do you show a pig in a livestock show?

a pig is to be shown by always having them between you and the judge. This is to allow the judge to see what the pig looks like and to see how well it walks.