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Manipulation of Prey items

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Q: What are the appendages near the mouth used for?
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How many appendages do humans have?

A cnidarian has one body opening: the mouth/anus.

Which appendages in the cephalic region are related to the eating food?

Cephalic means the head. the appendages for eating include the mandibles and two pairs of maxillae. There are also 3 pairs of maxillipeds that move food towards the mouth.

What are the first animals to have appendages and what are appendages?

appendages are how many body parts do they have

Do ants have pincers?

Ants have mandibles which are much like pincers. Mandibles are a pair of appendages found at the front of the ants head, above the mouth.

What kind of appendages do spiders have?

copied answer:What are spider appendages says:Spiders have spinnerets near the rear end of their bodies. They use these spinnerets to spin out their silk. They have eight legs, and each leg is terminated (depending on the species) by either three claws or two claws. Between the front two legs are two more, shorter, appendages called "pedipalps." These appendages are shorter than legs and are used for manipulating things such as their prey, things they want to eliminate from their webs and living areas, and (in males) they are terminated by a kind of biological syringe that they load up with semen and then inject into the sexual organ of the female during mating. Finally, there are the two chelicerae have a basal part that you can see when you look a resting spider directly in the face, and each of them has a fang that has its point held near the mouth of the spider and that folds into the chelicera like the blade of a jackknife folds into its handle.Unlike insects, spiders do not have antennae. They do not have wings. They do not have three body parts either, just the abdomen and the "cephalothorax" (head plus chest) where the legs, pedipalps, chelicerae, eyes, etc. are located.Read more: What_are_spider_appendages

Related questions

Where are the palps found?

Palps are a second pair of appendages found in crustacean and insects. These appendages are located near the mouth and are used to guide food into the mouth.

The appendages near the mouth that are usually modified to grab prey are called?

The appendages near the mouth that are modified to grab prey are called maxillipeds. These structures can vary in form and function among different species of animals, such as crustaceans and insects. Maxillipeds are adapted to efficiently capture and manipulate food items before they are consumed.

What are arachnids' mouth appendages used for?

chewing, eating, biting. etc.

What is the jaw of an arthropod?

there is a presence of modified appendages (mandibles) flanking their mouth and used as jaws.

Does the mouth parts of crayfish count as appendages?


What is a mandible?

I think the jaws

What is the function of the maxilla in grasshoppers?

Maxillae on a grasshopper is the pair of appendages (arms) behind the mandible. Probably guides food to mouth.

What are 2 cell appendages that are used for mobility?

Two cell appendages used for mobility are cilia and flagella. Cilia are short and numerous, while flagella are longer and typically found singly or in pairs. Both structures move in a whip-like motion to help cells move through fluid environments.

How many appendages do humans have?

A cnidarian has one body opening: the mouth/anus.

How do Archnids with no teeth or jaws obtain nutrients from their prey?

Through the chelicercae are appendages located near the mouths of arachnids. Which is used to hold or bite its food.

Where muhammed used to meditate?

Mohammed (pbuh) used to meditate mouth of Hira near Mecca.

What term is used for arms and legs?
