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Symbol - Au

Number - 79

Mass - 196.96655 (As calculated by all of its known ions)

Electron Configuration - [Xe] 6s2 5d9

Charge - 1+, 3+


Symbol - Ag

Number - 47

Mass - 107.8682 (As calculated by all of its known ions)

Electron Configuration - [Kr] 5s2 4d9

Charge - 1+

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Q: What are the atomic numbers for silver and gold?
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aluminum is the lightest atomic #13 titanium atomic #22 silver atomic #47 gold is heaviest atomic #79

Are golf and silver equal in mass?

Gold and silver are different mass due to their different atomic weights. For instance gold is heavier than silver because Gold's atomic number is 79 while silver is 47.

What are the European numbers for gold and silver?

gold-4 silver-7

Why is silver more dense than gold?

Silver is less dense than gold! Pure silver has a density of 10.49 g·cm−3 whereas gold has density of 19.30 g·cm−3 The principal reason why gold is more dense is that the atoms are much heavier. Silver has an atomic weight of 107.9 , gold has an atomic weight of 196.97.

How many protons does tungsten has?

The atomic numbers of gold and tungsten are 79 and 74 respectively. So gold has more protons.

Which is heavier by volume silver or copper?

Gold has a specific gravity of 19.29, silver has a specific gravity of 10.46. Gold is heavier.

Which is heaviest silver gold copper or iron?

gold, just look at the atomic mass in the periodic table.

What mass of gold contains twice as many atoms as 2.74g of silver?

The gram atomic mass of silver is 107.868 and that of gold is 196.967. Equal numbers of gram atoms of different elements contain equal numbers of atoms. Therefore, the mass of gold required to contain twice as many atoms as 2.74 g of gold is (2 X 2.74 X 196.967)/107.868 or 10.0 g of gold, to the justified number of significant digits.

How are silver and gold different?

Gold & Silver are different because they have different numbers of protons and electrons in their atoms.

Is gold distinct from silver?

assuming that this is a serious question...yes, they have different atomic properties.

What does gold and silver both contain?

Pure gold and pure silver just contain gold and silver respectively. However, at a sub-atomic level they, like all elements, are a made from a combination of electrons, protons and often neutrons. from Beano in the UK

How many numbers of protons in gold?

The atomic number of gold (Au) is 79, therefore each gold atom contains 79 protons in its nucleus. The atomic number is the number of protons for each element.