

What are the babies of the butterflies?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The babies of butterflies are caterpillar eggs.

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Do butterflies have babies?

yes they do

Do female butterflies die before she can see her babies?

Butterflies, as much insects do, lay a large amount of eggs someplace suitable, then leave. She never gets to see her babies whether she lives or dies.

How do butterflies take care of their babies?

They don't. They lay them under a leaf or on a flower and leave them to hatch. :)

How do monarch butterflies have babies?

butterfly fish reproduce by laying eggs in the sea

What are the butterflies predators?

Birds,Lizards,Frogs,Spiders,Fish,Bats,Bush babies,Loris gracillus, Ratsbirds

How does a butterfly have babies?

Butterflies lay eggs, which hatch into larvae, which when they have grown sufficiently will undergo metamorphosis into a butterfly.

Are the babies in cage of butterflies autistic?

The concept of autism does not really apply to insects, which operate entirely on instinct and have no conscious minds in the sense that human beings do. So no, baby (larval) butterflies raised in a cage are not autistic.

How many babies can a butterfly have at one time?

Many species of butterflies lay about 400 eggs. Some lay many more. Only 1 or 2 out of 100 eggs live to become adult butterflies.

How many babies does a butterfly have at a time?

Butterflies lay eggs which hatch to become caterpillars, which are the butterflies larvae, or babies. Butterflies typically lay hundreds and sometimes thousands of eggs in a single season, insuring that at least some of them will survive to become adult butterflies.

How many babies do butterflies have?

The average butterfly lays several hundred eggs. The number that hatch into larva depends on the conditions in which the eggs are laid.

Are butterflies insects or mammals?

No, butterflies are not classified as reptiles. Butterflies are insects.