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Q: What are the bacteria that can cause bad breath?
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Do oranges cause bad breath?

No, oranges does't cause bad breath. Oranges are rich in vitamin c, which create an inhospitable environment for mouth bacteria, it helps to fight bad breath as well.

Is bad breath a virus or bacteria?


Can not brushing after eating cause bad breath?

Yes, Defenitely. Not Brushing after eating causes bacteria to build up and directly causes bad breath and rotten teeth.

Where does most of bad breath come from?

90% of bad breath comes from bacteria and residue on the tongue

What illness in the body causes bad breath?

Not illness just bad breath germs and bacteria

What are some natural remedies for bad breath?

Bad breath is caused by bacteria, so eliminating these bacteria will eliminate bad breath. Using a tongue scraper will physically remove the bacteria from the tongue. A number of herbs and other foods have properties which fight bad breath. These include cloves, cinnamon and cardamom. A bit of citrus such as orange will kill the bacteria with citric acid.

Does cavities make your breath stink?

yes but very little. cavities are location where bacteria and other pathogens can reside. this causes the accumulation of polygons substances that give off a bad Oder. usually the cause of bad breath in people with cavities is that cavities are mostly found in people with bad dental hygiene- which is to itself a cause for bad breath.

Why is morning breath bad?

Saliva plays a great role in helping to rid the mouth of some bacteria. Chemically, it contains an enzyme called lysozyme which helps to clean bacteria; physically, saliva helps to flush your mouth and carries some bacteria to your stomach where they are killed off by gastric acid. While you sleep, you produce far less saliva. This allows for the bacteria that cause bad breath to reproduce in your mouth. So in the morning you wake up with bad breath.

Can too little proteins cause bad breath?

As far as I know the foods that cause bad breath are foods that contain smelly compounds, such as garlic, etc. We also know that when people diet that their breath does contain compounds (by product of fat metobolism) that smell, these are called ketones. However, most bad breath comes from the bacteria that grow on the top of the tongue. In order to control bad breath these bacteria must be removed. Mints, gums, mouthwash just covers up bad breath for a short time. It is like trying to get rid of body odor by using perfume. Good orall hygiene includes brushing and flossing the teeth and then cleaning the tongue with a high quality tongue cleaner. Use one that is both a brush and a scraper so the bacteria that is in the deep indentations of the tongue will be removed. To learn more about the cause and cure of bad breath see:

Bad Breath May Not Just be in Your Mouth?

Bad breath is caused by bacteria in your mouth, esophagus or stomach. If you do not brush your teeth and floss regularly, bacteria build up between the teeth. This bacteria causes the smell, and brushing and mouthwash will just cover it up. See your dentist for a professional cleaning to remove the bacteria colonies. Bad breath can also come from your stomach. Your doctor can give you more advice for eliminating this type of bad breath.

If your boyfriend has really bad breath should you tell him or leave it alone?

It is better to understand the cause of bad breath before you start telling someone else what to do about it. The majority of bad breath is caused by bacteria that live on the top of the tongue. These bacteria produce a foul smelling substance - that is bad breath. Sometimes you can see this bacteria by looking for some "white stuff" on the top of the tongue, especially in the back of the tongue. This must be removed if you are going to cure bad breath. Mints and gum just cover up the bad breath because they do not kill the bacteria. After you brush your teeth you should then clean your tongue with a high quality tongue cleaner. I use OraBrush because it is both a brush and a scraper. It will reach into the deep indentations of the tongue surface and remove the bacteria. Here is their website if you are interested:

Does piles cause chronic bad breath?

yes, piles causes bad breath