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There are over 8,000 chemicals in a cigar so it's would kind of be hard to list them all.

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Q: What are the bad chemicals of a cigar?
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Related questions

Is a cigar worse than a cigarette?

they are both very harmful to your body, but yes a cigar is worse than a cigarette, this because more chemicals are put into making a cigar and they are larger, the chemicals in the cigar produce more smoke fumes and tar, to smoke a cigar you have to inhale deeper than a cigarette so the harmful chemicals get further into your lungs.

Do cigar tobacco have the same chemicals a cigarettes?

Cigars have no added chemicals like cigarettes.

What are 10 bad chemicals in cigar?

These substances are are: nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, DDT, polonium, unburned carbon.

Can you use antifreeze in your cigar humidor?

No , the antifreeze contains chemicals that would contaminate the cigars and the humidor .

Is smoking a scgare bad?

Did you just spell "cigar" as "scgar" ????

Is one cigar your whole life bad?

Of course all of the rubbish you find in cigarettes and cigars are bad for your lungs, but in the long run, one cigar is not as bad as, say, smoking a pack a day. A single cigar, whilst not necessarily good for your body, is also not going to cause too much harm in the long run.

What would kill you first a cigar or a cigarette?

Neither is good for you . A cigarette because of all the chemicals and then a cigar because during the fermentation process cigas undergo many of the naturally occurring chemicals are lost in the process whereas cigarette manufactures 'dope' their product to increase addiction rates .

How does cigar smoking affect the mouth and its parts?

It causes bad breath .

Are cigrettes bad?

Indeed, they are. They cause cancer to the lungs and, obviously, can kill you. They contain chemicals found in pesticides, rat poisening, and window cleaners, and this is what u intake after EVERY drag... So think twice before smoking a cigar.

How old do you need to be to smoke a mild cigar?

never its bad about 40

What happens if you mix good chemicals with bad chemicals?

you die

When tobacco is burned in a cigarette or cigar the smoke contains more than ------------- chemicals of which --------- are known or suspected to cause cancer?

40,000 / 50