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The bandurria chords of the song Narda are D, Bm, G and A. These chords are used both for the verses of the song and the chorus. The bandurria is a musical instrument that is similar to the mandolin.

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What are the chords of bandurria?

The bandurria chords of the song Narda are D, Bm, G and A. These chords are used both for the verses of the song and the chorus. The bandurria is a musical instrument that is similar to the mandolin.

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What are the banduria chords of havana?

The bandurria chords for "Havana" typically include G, D, Em, C, Am, and Bm. These chords are commonly used in the song to recreate its distinctive sound on the bandurria.

What are the bandurria chords of lawiswis kawayan?

The bandurria chords for "Lawiswis Kawayan" are generally Em, Am, and B7. You can also try variations like Em7, Am7, and Bm7 to add some flavor to the song. Experiment with different chord progressions to see what fits best with your rendition of the song.

What are the bandurria chords of where is the love?

do la la so fa re so bi la ti ni mu!

How many string of banduria?

Bandurria has 12 strings .. Some are 14 but 12 is the common number of strings in Bandurria

What are the bandurria chords of buko?

On the verses, the chords are A - C#m - Bm - E. The refrain chords are Bm - C#m- C#m - Dm. The chorus chords are A - C#m - Bm - E - E - Bm - C#m - Bm - C#m - D - E. The bridge chords are D - E - F#m - E. On the last chorus, you change the key to B, so the chords would be B - D#m - C#m - F# 4x - C#m - D#m.

How many strings does a bandurria has?

The modern day bandurria has 12 strings (6 pairs). During the renaissance, they had two.

Why can't all chords diameters?

The only chords that are diameters are the chords that go through the center of the circle. All of the other chords are shorter.

Are all chords diameters?

No, all chords are not diameters, though all diameters are chords.

How many strings in bandurria?


What is the shape of bandurria?

a pear shaped