

What are the basic teachings in Christianity?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Look at the 10 commandments.....It'll answer your question and some.

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Q: What are the basic teachings in Christianity?
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Hersey is the belief that contradicts basic church teachings! Hope I helped

What are two basic teachings of Christianity?

The two golden rules. Jehovah God first an love your neighbour as yourself....

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What book has Christianity teachings in it?

The Bible.

What is Christianity true to but not judaism?

Christianity Claims to be true to the teachings of Chirist.

What is Christianity and whose teachings does it follow?

Christianity is God's word taught by Jesus

Is Christianity based on the life and teachings of Jesus?

Yes, as interpreted by his Disciples. It is also based on the teachings of the Hebrew religion as it existed at the time of Caesar Augustus and Jesus.

How and when did Christianity start?

Christianity started with the teachings of Jesus Christ in the late 20s AD and early 30s AD.

What would Christianity be categorized as?

Christianity is categorized as the Christian religion, which is founded on the life and teachings of Jesus.

What religion was named after the teachings of Jesus?

Because Jesus was the Christ, Christianity is the faith that purportedly follows the teachings of Jesus. However, most Christian religions following the teachings of the epistle writer Paul instead. For example, Jesus says in the Bible "I am not here to start a new religion but to bring a new covenant." The fact that there are religions that follow the teachings of Jesus is in direct contradiction to his own words.

Who began this religion for the Christianity?

God - the source of inspiration of all revealed religions. Christianity purports to be built on the teachings of Jesus, but is more directly constructed on the teachings of Paul about Jesus.

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Judaism and Christianity.