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I think there is nothing good that comes from the aral sea disaster ): the worst part is the marine animals die due to water shortage )*:

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Q: What are the benefits from the Aral sea disaster?
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Who is to blame for the Aral Sea disaster?

The Soviet Government of the 1960's are to blame, when they decided to divert the rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya, the major feeds to the Aral Sea, for irrigation projects.

Who was most affected after the Aral sea disaster?

the creatures were most affected because all of them died when the water shrank.

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Caused Ecological disaster in the Aral Sea, as the waters feeding the sea have been diverted to irrigate the cotton fields.

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it is located in Asia, in Uzbekistan and Kazahkstan

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Answer:The Aral Sea

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Yes the Aral sea has salt water

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The Aral Sea is located in Asia.

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The Caspian Sea lies between the Aral Sea and the Black Sea.

What contenet is aral sea on?

The Aral Sea is located by Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan in Central Asia

Where does the water in the Aral Sea originate?

A map of the Aral Sea drainage basin is at the link

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The Aral Sea is found between Kazahkstan and Uzbekistan

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